Not him- Mare

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"Maven could Marry her, she could stop the rebellion," Samson says. No, no, not him! Not Maven! A scream on the inside, my face paler then a silver. Maven's mask doesn't slip, it doesn't seem like it. But I see it. He is happy? That is an emotion that never comes out. I can't believe it. The court hates the idea, same as me. Maven and Samson seem to like it. What about the Guard? If I'm a queen- I shake at that title- they would never trust me.

House Welle, nods along. They want me to get married to their king?! Are they mentally unstable?! Evangeline sits shocked in the corner. Her hate for me dying to take over. "Court? How about my Uncle's proposal?" Maven sneers. He is actually happy, that he might marry a red. "I will not stand for it." Volo Samos stands, acting swiftly. "She is no silver, Evangeline is a better choice!" He sighs. He must really want a crown.

The broadcasters get ready to start, Maven is getting ready, as am I. He smiles at me, a smile that the prince Maven made to me. A burst of fire sparks in my heart, old feelings come rushing back. "Maven, why?" I ask, my voice shaky. "My country will listen to you." He simply states, playing with light blue fire. "Not what I meant. Why capture me to marry me?" I breathe. I can't marry a monster. He gets up, a grin splitting his face. He looks like a prince again, he looks like my Maven. I try to smile, but the new scars sear and spark at the tug. He cups my chin in his hands, "Really Mare, It's best for me and Norta. An insane King with his stabilizer as his queen, will set a King free." He moves closer to me, making out noses just inches away. "Maven, I-" he stops me with a kiss, making me shut up. It feels like were back on the theaters balcony, not knowing what guard project would await us. Just stupid teenagers in love. It feels like I have my Maven back. But, my Maven was an illusion. Never real, never coming back. I pull away, and head to the filming.

"Dear Citizens of Norta! Bow down to your Queen." Maven smiles, a fake one but enough for the people. I, dressed in a deep red dress stands on the darkness, until he says my name. "Mare Barrow," I'm sorry Cal. I walk forward taking Maven's hand. I smile a fake smile, screaming on the inside.


"My Queen, Welcome to our quarters." Maven smiles. "Maven, don't I have my-my own quarters?" I gulp. "Not while I'm King," Maven purrs. Pulling the hem of my dress down, just enough to see the top of my 'M' branding. I snatch his hand, pulling the hem back up. "We aren't married, I don't have to supplant you with a child yet." I growl, walking to the bathroom. I hear Maven sigh, and he sits to work on more papers. I only feel the bear of silent stone when my ring is on. Maven made sure the ring was laced with it.

I throw the ring out of the bathroom, and Maven gets up quick to put it back in the bathroom. "Maven, I wouldn't run," I say, getting my shower prepared. It's odd, I told myself that the second I could, I would escape. Everytime I think of escaping, I can't. I love Maven Calore.
I can't believe It. "Dear, I can't trust you," Maven startles me out of thinking and wraps his lanky arms around my waist. "I love you baby." He whispers in my ear. My heart tugs to say it back to my boy king. "I- Maven..." I sigh, getting out of his grasp. "Show me Maven," I say, taking his hands. "I am, this is Maven." He sits, confused. "No, my Maven," I bury my face in his chest, catching him off guard. Maven has gotten more muscle recently, I can feel it as I hug him. He hugs me back, taking more time to respond then I want.

"Mare Barrow, my red queen, please will you marry me?" Maven asks after I walk out from my shower. "It's not like I have a choice," I say. "You do right now," his voice echoes in the giant room. "If you say yes, you will stay. If you say no, I can pretend you escaped and let you go," Maven pleads with his eyes, begging me to stay with him. "Maven," I breathe. I am in love with you Maven, but freedom is all I ask for. "I want a new ring. I want my Maven, and you listen to my opinion too." I look into the icy blue abyss that are his eyes. "So Maven, if you agree. I will marry you," I smile. His eyes light up, and he jumps to kiss me. 

The new ring I got was beautiful, a stunning white band with purple jems scattered about. Maven sleeps soundly as I lay my head on his chest, and look at the shiny ring. The weight of silent stone is gone, and it feels like I can breathe. "Good morning hunny," Maven stretches, jolting me away from him. He laughs a little. "Morning Babe," I smile, his face lights up, every nerve in him happy. I get out of bed, going into the bathroom on my side of the room. I quickly start a shower, and feel the warmth of water- No, this water, is red. Red as the dawn.

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