How Could You- Maven

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I walk out of Mare's family's apartment. Farley and Mare are talking. Farley is trying to calm down Mare. I hate leaving Mare in such a state, but I have a real traitor to deal with.

"How could you?!" I growl. My brother is chained in a room, alone. Silent stone in every block. "She was mine first," He hisses. "I don't think she was ever betrothed to you, brother." The word 'Brother' feels like poison in my mouth. "I thought I could trust you Cal," I sigh. He looks up at me. "I thought you were a good person. I guess we were both stupid," He winces. "Why the children? Why not take my love and run her out of Norta?" I ask
"She could have sparked me. Like she so kindly did." He turns his head to show me scars. I hold in a laugh. "What were you going to do with my kids?"
"Use them as a bargain chip. God Maven, for how evil you are how did you not know that?" He smirks.
"I'm talking to my court in a day. Let's see if they take any mercy. Mare will be there to, and I'm sure she won't let you get away with it. She's still sobbing upstairs." I growl and leave. I hear light sobs coming from him.

Mare addresses the court first.
Cal kneels in the middle of the floor.
"High Houses of Norta, we welcome you." They applaud. "We have a traitor sitting in front of me," She looks right at him. He stares back, emotionless. "In the cover of night, he came into mine and your Kings quarters to steal the Prince and Princess." She takes a breath, as sparks rise in her hands from anger.
Mental note: Let's get Mare her own training room she can get mad in.
"Guilty, or not?" She walks to come sit with me. Lord Samos stands.
"I don't see why anyone would say not guilty. He tried to take royale children! He is guilty," He finishes and sits down. Evangeline sits behind him, looking worried. She looks at Mare and I for awhile.
A lord trys to stand, but Evangeline does faster. "Can I ask, questions?" She purrs. "As long as I'm down there," Mare smiles. She looks to me, and I nod. Her and Evangeline quickly walk down the steps to Cal.
"Lady Evangeline, Queen Mare," He nods. "Shut up," Mare growls.

"What were you going to do with the Queen's children?" Evangeline inquires
"Use them to get Mare to come back to me."
"What were you going to do if I said no?" Mare asks
"You wouldn't. I saw how you were with Clara."
"What were you going to do with me?" Mare shakes. Evangeline puts a hand on her shoulder.
"Marry you, then we would have kids of our own. Plus Thomas and Valerie."
Smack. Mare slaps him in the face.
"You have no right to say their names."
She slaps him again for good measure.
All the other houses say guilty. Cal will be executed.

"Are you okay Maven?" Mare asks. She comes to lay down with me.
"What if he got our children?"
Mare lays her head on my chest.
"I wouldn't go back Maven,"
"Cal can't bare to hurt me, how could he hurt my kids?"
I nod and let Mare's soothing voice put me to sleep.

I wake up with my wife gone. She told me she would be up early, just didn't know it would be this early. I reluctantly get out of bed. "Maven?" I hear a knock on the door. "Mare?" I open the door, suprised to see Mare's mother? "Oh, uhm. Hello," I stutter.
Isn't she supposed to call me King? Eh, whatever. I turn around and quickly put on a shirt. "So, what is this about?"
I ask. "How are you, and Mare?" She scans the room looking for her kid.
"Mare isn't here. It's the Queen's duty to calm the ladys in dark times,"
"Even if she's not okay?" She snaps.
"We need to seem strong. Even if we aren't," I sigh. Turning to face her.
"Well, I also came because I'd like to invite you and Mare to dinner. And the children," She smiles. I nod to her, and she leaves.

"My dear citizens of Norta, we come bearing bad news." I echo.
"My dear brother, The once traitor, has betrayed me once again,"
"In the cover of darkness, Cal snuck into your King and I's quarters to steal the royale children," Mare sighs. She misses the kids, even though she saw them a couple minutes ago. "He shall be executed in three days." I say. The guards usher us in to the palace, keeping Mare and I close. To make sure were safe and sound.

How could you brother? How?

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