He's Back!

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Heyy Blue here! So sorry for lack of updates, Maggy and I have a lot on our plates at the moment with school, hobbies and personal lives! But here's an angsty chapter cause what else do I write?! So big fat trigger warning and a rant is rolling in soooo yeah. And holy crap endgame was damn!


Sexual Assault 

---Now my mini rant---

So sexual assault it's bad! Don't sexually assault people! (obviously) 

So let's clear this up for some. Sexual assault isn't always rape it's also when someone touches you in a place you are uncomfortable with. And personally I've had someone touch me wrongly and yeah it's not great, I want to put it out there that it's not ok. And it's not your fault, tell someone about it and especially when it gets out of hand! So speak up!! 

--mini rant over!---



Peter walked into English and sat down it was his last class of the day, and unfortunately was a class he had by himself, no MJ, no Ned, and thankfully no Flash. Then a new teacher walked, Peter felt something in his gut leap, this guys face was almost familiar but Peter just shrugged it off. "Settle down class! I am your teacher for these coming months as Ms Warren has had an accident and won't be returning to school for the rest of the year!" The male teacher stated. They class erupted into hushed whispers but was silenced with a clap from the teacher "So I'm Steven Westcott but people call me Skip but you can call me Mr Westcott" He said. Peter's almost fell out of his chair, he- who!? No he- he can't be here he's gone..! Peter felt his stomach erupt into butterflies, his head feeling light and heavy at the same time. He needed to just keep a low profile, maybe he won't remember him. Mr Westcott had already started going through the role and then said "Peter... Parker? Huh" Peter shakily raised his hand "H-here sir" Skip looked up with a twisted grin "You've grown up haven't you!? Last time I saw you, you were about 10? How's it going Einstein?" Skip asked "G-good" (btw Peter is 15 almost 16) and just like that Skip carried on reading the rest of the role and just taught the class like any normal person.

But then at the end of the class 'Mr Westcott' asked that he remain behind, Peter started to feel even more on edge. "Y-yes sir?" Peter asked "It's been awhile hasn't it Einstein?" Skip said and then advanced onto Peter. But Peter put his hands up and pushed him back "S-stop Skip, leave me alone!" Peter's brain was buzzing, he couldn't think straight, his strength was just gone, he was back to when Skip had first started to touch him. He felt those hands start to snake over his body, he curled up inside his mind as the disgust filled him.


Peter walked out of the classroom his face hollow of emotion, inside he felt disgusted and dirty. He was terrified but also nothing, just nothing. It was all to familiar, being stuck with him, his disgusting hands roaming his body, his revolting, wicked chuckle. Peter quickly walked over to the black audi, Tuesday's were Tower days, great. Peter shook himself, trying to get the feeling of Skip's hands off of him, he silently climbed into the car.

An annoyed Happy turned to him about to question but noticed the kids quietness "You.. okay kid?" Happy asked hesitantly "Hey Happy, yeah I'm fine sorry for keeping you waiting Ned was just showing me a few things for Bio." Peter replied trying to appear happy and light which worked for the most part as Happy turned and started driving but not before he shot one last concerned look at Peter how was just staring out the window already lost in thought.

-----time skip cause all they do is ride in the car in silence, Peter is just huddled in his mind and replaying every moment with Skip-----

When the car pulled to stop outside the tower and before Happy could turn to the kid and ask him if he was okay one last time Peter was halfway to the entrance. Happy sighed but reluctantly drove off as Peter entered the building.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2019 ⏰

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