Make Our Nerdy Bro Better!

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Heya! Sorry for not interacting a lot cause I was so lazy, but today is Donnie time, and remember the episode called "Monkey Brain Story"? It's the scene where his brothers are making fun of Donnie instead of helping him, I think I find it "terrible", But I want him to making feel better where his bros are DO indeed caring. Good luck Reading~!


April is helping Donnie after the monkey incident, so she support him to walk through the lair and lay him down to the sofa.

April:There Donnie, I'll get you something to drink.

Donnie:Thanks April.....

Donnie smiled at April for helping him when she head to the kitchen, but what a terrible night he had. He had been beaten by some mutant monkey for some unknown reason, and he's feeling ashamed that he's beaten in front of April! He hope his brothers doesn't find out.

???: Whoa, what happened?

Donnie is having a headache because the ringing in his brain drowns out of Raph's voice. He firmly clutch his head with his left hand, but no matter how much he tightens the grip, he just can't stop the throbbing. He was full so much pain, then April came out from the kitchen to get some hot drink to Donnie and tell his brothers about what happens.

April:Donnie got beat up a lab monkey...

Donnie sigh in shamed, he would rather closed his eyes and cover his face with both of his hands.

After April tell the bros, their reaction are quiet.... Very concerning, except Raph. Mikey is horrified that Donnie beat up some dangerous Monkey, Leo is now really worried about Donnie's injuries, Raph thought he find it really funny that Donnie is beaten up some lab monkey in front of his 'girlfriend' but that's beside the point here! He shook of his thought and now he really want to find that lab monkey to make him pay for what he did to Donnie.

Leo:Thanks for telling us April.

Leo turn to Raph and Mikey a group huddle about the situation.

Mikey:Bros..... I 'm afraid that Donnie will be in coma!

Raph:C'mon Mikey! There's no way he would! Or will he.... but Isn't it funny that he has been mugged by some lab monkey in front of his girlfriend?

Leo:Raph! This is Serious! No joking around! Our brother is in serious condition yet you think this is funny after this?!

Mikey:Yeah Raphie! *sniff* I don't think this really funny at all.... *sniff* Donnie has so many bruises and blood...*sniff*

Mikey is feeling that he's going to cry.

Raph:Woah! Leo calm down, my bad for bringing this up.... You're right, Donnie is in pain right now. So what should we do?

Leo: I know a plan.

Raph and Mikey looked at Leo.

Leo: All we gonna do is.....

One group huddle later. The bros broke up the group huddle and approach to Donnie.

Donnie: April, can you get me an ice pack? It's on the fridge....

April: Alright Donnie, I'll be right back.

April went to the kitchen to get some ice pack, and Donnie rest his head up to the pillow and lift up his feet to the sofa.

Leo: Donnie?

Donnie:*gasp* L-Leo..?

Donnie look at his bros, fearing that will make fun of him. But he's gather his courage to say.

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