Chapter 10 - The Blow Out

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I should have known it was too good to be true. The perfect cheerleader meets the perfect football player. It's love at first sight. They fall madly in love. Everything in life goes their way. They get married. They beat the odds. What a bunch of bullshit.

My family imploded that night.

When I got home from the beach my dad and brother were still at the police station answering questions. My mom was calm but very disappointed in me. It wasn't about Romeo to her. It wasn't about my swimsuit to her. It was about my lying to her. Her trust in me had been shattered. I'd snuck around and been physical with a boy she didn't even know. It hurt her. I had not confided in her like a daughter is supposed to do. I hadn't understood how my lying could hurt her so badly. Now I understand. I was an idiot. I had no Romeo. I had no cheerleading. I had nothing to fall back on. I had nothing to look forward to. I knew I was grounded. I knew my father would forbid me to ever see Romeo again. I was a little girl lost.

I hid in my room crying my eyes out until I heard my father come home with Shane. I was curled up in a ball on my bed. I didn't want to go out to our family room and face my dad. I wanted to stay in bed forever. Of course, my headaches came back with a vengeance along with the dizziness.

"Where is she??" I heard my father shout.

"In her room," my mother said in a sad tone.

Then I heard an aggressive knock on my door.

"Get out here, young lady!" my dad commanded.

I did as I was told. I dried my tears and prepared for my tongue lashing. I walked out of my bedroom to find my entire family staring at me in disgust. My mom and brother did not dare say a word. My father's face was tomato red. His head looked like it was about to pop off his body.

"What do you have to say for yourself?" my dad asked.

"I'm sorry."

"Sorry isn't good enough. Not this time. What're you sorry for?"

"For lying to you and mom about Romeo."

"Before I lose my shit, you'd better start from the beginning. How did all this come about?"

"I met Romeo by chance at the beach earlier this week. We hit it off. He treats me really nice. I was afraid to tell you or have him come over here because it sounded like you were mad at him for going to Montague. Then Sadie made up her lies about him and I was even more scared to tell you. I wanted to tell you tonight but things got outta hand today."

"Romeo Rifleman is being accused of sexual assault by Sadie. That's a serious allegation. We find it hard to believe Sadie would lie about such a thing."

"She's lying through her teeth. She met Romeo for two minutes."

"We've known Sadie Croft since she was in kindergarten with your brother. We know her parents. We don't know this Romeo one little bit. Who do you think we're gonna believe?"

"You should believe me."

"Why? You've been lying to us for a week."

"Sadie's a piece of crap. Sorry Shane, but it's true. She lied about hooking up with Romeo to impress everyone. Now instead of admitting she lied, she's accusing Romeo of raping her just to save face. She doesn't even care if she ruins his life."

"Juliet can prove Sadie's lying," said Shane.

"How??" asked my mom.

"Because she was out with Romeo on the night Sadie's claiming she hooked up with Romeo. Juliet is Romeo's alibi."

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