Beautiful Goodbye

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❝ When April fades away, let's walk away as if nothing's wrong. ❞


A word Jongdae thought he wouldn't use often. To him, the word 'perfect' is nothing but an exaggeration. There is no thing such as perfect and Jongdae dislikes being exaggerated. Not to offend anyone but it makes him feel like an immature teenage girl.

Nothing is perfect and so is permanent. The only permanent in this world is change, and sometimes Jongdae wishes he could change that.

Jongdae sighed softly as he cuddled closer to his lover, eyes opening to look at the beautiful masterpiece laying to his left. The mesmerizing face of his lover held him back from averting his gaze. It would be nice if he closed his eyes again and start falling back to sleep as he didn't have had enough sleep last night, same for the past four weeks where he just lied awake, pretending to be asleep as his lover slept peacefully next to him.

But no, he didn't do any of that. Not even close. Instead, he stared at the face he knew and memorised all too well. His droopy eyes didn't look away, he admired him as if it would be the last time his eyes would land on the perfect human being next to him. Ironic how he said he hates exaggerating.

This past two months he had been exaggerating all things—even the smallest and littlest things—about his boyfriend. It was understandable because soon, his boyfriend would be going away to serve in his mandatory military service, he's turned 29 anyway. Jongdae just can't grasp the fact that they would be away from each other and he knows they won't be in contact that much either, it stressed him out.

Although he wouldn't show it to the older man laying beside him, Jongdae was really sad and he's beginning to think he could cry a bucket as soon as Minseok had already left to serve.

Jongdae, Minseok and the rest of the members had agreed to not talk about it (so no one would cry) and just enjoy the time left that they would be together before an almost two-year departure. No tears and crying allowed, just laughing and fun times. The older one once sang 'Baby, Don't Cry' to him but instead of making him laugh, it only made the younger tear up even more because it also reminded him of when their group still has twelve members.

Saying that Jongdae is a hypocrite is an understatement, but he couldn't help it though. Minseok is just everything for him and couldn't imagine being that far from him and not be in touch.

Jongdae sighed again, eyes gazing over to the digital clock on his night stand. 6:07, it read. Jongdae lazily looked down at his boyfriend once more, never getting enough of the breath taking view of Minseok's sleeping face.

It's still so early in the morning. Jongdae closed his eyes, really heavy and tired. He adjusted himself on the bed to get more comfortable as he kissed Minseok's forehead before he slowly got pulled into dreamland.


Jongdae woke up with a slight headache. He should really start getting enough sleep, what time is it anyway? He cursed under his breath and felt his boyfriend shift beside him.

As much as he didn't want to, he had to open his really tired eyes. Eyes squinting because of the unnecessary brightness of the room, he looked at Minseok before looking at his digital clock. It's already 9:13 but Minseok was still sleeping and not to mention that Jongdae was the first one to wake up, regardless that he only had three hours of sleep.

Arching his back a little and sighing with his nose as an altenative way to yawn, his eyes dropped to the angelic male on his side again. With the corners of his lips tugging upwards, he gazed lovingly at his sleeping lover. He used his right hand to brush the stray fringes away from the older's face, hand landing on his cheek as he used his thumb to gently caress his cheek.

April, and a Flower ☆ xiuchenOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant