Out at last

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One month later*
Sophie's POV

Sophie: Jacob you are free to go.

Jacob: Finally wanna get that coffee now?

Sophie: Let me check out and change I'll meet you at the frog caffe at 2?

Jacob: Great, okay. See you there. Bye.

Sophie: Bye Jacob.

                    At 1 .30*

Sophie changes into a black dress and white converse, she curls her blonde hair into ringlets.She gets into her car and drives to the caffe, when she arrives Jacob is waiting for her at a table with two cups of coffee.

Jacob: Wow you look beautiful.

Sophie: Thank you , and you look good for someone that had 2 degree burns all over his body.

Jacob: I try my best at times.

                 They spend hours talking about their lifes and what they have been up to and Jacob suddenly blurts out

Jacob: Sophie I have a crush on you, and I have always had a crush on you since grade 2 and I just want you go know how I feel about you because I can't keep it in anymore.

Sophie: I have a crush on you too and I want you to know how I feel as well.

Jacob: Will you go on another date with me tomorrow?

Sophie: Of course I will.

                      Two years later*
Sophie and Jacob are still dating and it is getting pretty serious.

Jacob on the phone with Sophie: Hey can you come over I have to tell you something?

Sophie: Is it bad?

Jacob: I don't think so.

Sophie: Ok I'll be there soon.

Sophie arrives at Jacob's House 10 minutes later ,she is super nervous for what is going to happen.She knocks on the door and Jacob opens.

Jacob: Hey Soph come in.

Sophie: Ok,what did you need to tell me?

Jacob: Well you know that I got that promotion? Well I'm going to buy a bigger house and I wanted to ask you if you wanted to move in with me?

Sophie: Oh yes, I will.

Jacob: Come here.

Jacob grabs her hand and pulls her into his bedroom and asks her

Jacob: Are you ready?

Sophie: I've never been so ready for this until today.

He slowly kisses her lips and makes his way down her neck and kisses her pressure point.She takes him onto the bed and things get heavy....

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