🔪𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 4: 𝗠𝗶𝗡𝗘🔪

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After two minutes of watching her doze off, I let her sleep and walk off to go kill off those teens. I grip my machete tight while watching them from afar. I notice two people walking out of their cabin.. probably a couple looking for more privacy.. the guy has.. red hair and the girl has blonde. She looks so plastic.. how revolting.

I decide to go after them first. I follow them until I notice the guy has the girl pinned up against the tree, kissing her. I wield my machete high and before they could notice me behind them I plunge it into the guys back. It pierced straight through the girl and into the tree. The blood sprays all over me but I ignore that and rip out my machete. Both of their bodies fall to the ground with a loud thump. I walk off to the cabin and make my way to the back, being as silent as possible, and peer in through the window. There's five, no, eight in here.. hmm.. five guys and three girls..

I walk through the back door, lock it, and enter the bathroom silently. I hear two of the girls entering the bathroom and I wait, then one opens the door and screams then I slash her head off. Her head lands in her friends hands and she gets covered in blood. She screams and tries to run but I grab her tight around the neck and slam her head into the wall, and everything goes silent.

Three of the five guys run over and try to fight me, but one of their head gets twisted. I slash another ones torso clean off, and I grab the others head and crush it in my palm. The blood gets all over me, dripping from my mask.

I run into the next room and see one panicked girl and one guy comforting her, he has caramel hair and.. red tips. The other guy ran straight outside. I go for the guy and girl and the girl kicks me in the face, knocking my mask off. She screams and runs into the guys arms as he yells at me. I run over to grab my mask, put it on, and growl at them. I grip my machete tight with anger and throw it straight through the girl. I pull it out, kicking her body away and grab the guy by his neck.I lift him up as he tries to wriggle free, but stick his neck through a coat hanger. It falls due to his weight but it gets the job done.

I walk outside looking down at the blood in my hand and shrug. I find the guy passed out on the floor outside and stomp on his head with a loud crack. I walk off back into the forest where the girl was, but she was no where in sight. I got a little bit worried but saw her figure sitting on the dock, staring at the night sky. She's so elegant.. how could she even be with all those... those pests..

I enter the water quietly, making sure I'm not heard by her, and go right in front of the dock. She gets a little scared at the sight of my mask but then she starts staring at me. I can finally get a good look at her. Her hair is like an angels.. it flows beautifully in the wind.. her eyes, perfect e/c orbs... her soft skin, oh I wish I could just feel it.. her small lips to her body structure is perfect.

Just then she leans in. Now is my chance! I lunge outside of the water and grab her and drag her underwater, one arm around her waist and a hand over her mouth so she doesn't drown but she doesn't make any noise.

Just like I suspected, she passed out in my arms. I take her outside of the water and lay her down, my jacket still in her hands. I take the soaking jacket and put it on. I pick her back up and bring her to a pretty large cabin in the middle of the woods. Home. I walk inside and leave my machete leaning next to the door, so when she wakes up she isn't that scared.

I walk into the living room and open up a hatch that leads underground. I hop down still holding her in my arms, and I make my way through the tunnels. I stop by a bed and lay her down. I cuff her hands and attach the end to the wall. Just in case.. I take a good look at her, I stroke her face, and just as I guessed it was smooth as silk. I left a blood stain on her cheek so I left for a second to go get a cloth. I made my way back up through the hatch and closed it, went into the bathroom to grab a cloth and dampen it, then I went back down. I swung open the latch and dropped down and rushed my way to clean her face. I wiped off the stain and left the cloth on the table next to her and stood in front of the bed watching and waiting until she got up.

She's all mine..

His One and Only~Jason x Reader ||Completed||Where stories live. Discover now