🔪𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 10: 𝗜𝗹𝗹 𝗔𝗹𝘄𝗮𝘆𝘀 𝗕𝗲 𝗪𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗬𝗼𝘂🔪

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I was enraged. Whoever took her will pay. She is mine and only mine. I started to stomp off into the woods, looking everywhere for her. Nowhere. I checked in every cabin, slamming open the doors. Nothing. I ran back to the house to grab my machete, then i heard it. A car engine revving. I quickly ran over towards the sound, gripping my machete tight with anger, and i saw her.


She couldn't hear me, so I started off after the car, knocking over anything and everything in my path. Slashing ever tree down so they fall down quickly but quietly. I started to hear her call out for me, but the man cut her off and started yelling obnoxiously. I started running faster, my girl needs me. She's in trouble.

~Time Skip~

I saw his car pull into an abandoned warehouse's driveway and he got out. What's he doing?! I continued watching them when he abruptly grabbed her viciously out of the car and started pulling her into the warehouse. My poor Y/n was kicking and screaming trying to get away. Oh he's so DEAD...

He slapped her across the face, leaving a mark of her perfect s/c face. I could strangle him so hard his neck would snap the moment I grab it... I could think of millions of ways to murder him painfully... he would regret ever doing this.. he dragged her all the way inside and I peered in through a window, watching him tie her down to a chair and removing her clothes. Sickening... that is no way to treat her! She deserves much better... I have to stop this...

I looked around for a power box or a switch and I found one. I slammed down the switch and it went completely black. I heard him walking out and I gripped my machete tight, full of adrenaline from all the anger surging in my blood and into my veins. I saw him coming towards the switch I grabbed him by the throat and started pressing down so he couldn't breathe and dropped him on the ground. I slashed his legs so he couldn't move and he continually yelled at me. I completely ignored his cries and started stabbing his chest about 50 times and pulled it out. I finished him off with a swing to rip his head clean off. I stepped on his head once for good measure and made my way back to my girl.

She started to shake as I got closer but I quickly wrapped my arms around her and tears started to stream down my face. I let out a small whimper and she spoke.

"Y-Y/n... I..m..s-so..uh..sor...ry...s...so..sorry..."

I felt terrible. I couldn't help bash myself in my thoughts for being so stupid!

"I.. should..n't h..have let...thi..s hap..happen to y...y-you... I should..'ve b..been th..theere. I-I-"
"Shh... I..it's ok Jason... it's ok.. I understand, you were fending off those other guards... but.. can you untie me? A..and take me.. home?"


A large smile plastered my face as I started removing the bonds which she was tied in and she bashfully covered her revealed body. I couldn't help but get slightly angered because she was just so beautiful... but I understood she didn't like to be too revealing, so I gave her my jacket to cover up. We started to walk back to the lake when she grabbed my arm and started sobbing. My senses heightened as to what might've been making her cry but I guess she was scarred about what happened. I decide to tell her, sincerely, how I feel.. maybe that'll cheer her up?

".. y..yeah..?"
"I..i..l...love...I love y-"
"I... love you too Jason.. and t-thank you.. for..everything.. a-and.."
"I promise...f..from n..now..a...and forev..er..I'll..a-always..b..be there f..for you..."

I pulled her in close for a hug but she removed my mask which caught me off guard and planted a kiss on my lips. Hers were so soft.. i decided to get caught up in the kiss and we ended up staying like that for minutes. It was the best feeling, and I'd always treasure this moment.

She was the first to pull away, gasping for air. I quickly remembered the photo I had in my pocket of me and I fished it out and shoved it towards her face.

"O-oh thank..you Jason.."

Her small hands grabbed the photo and caressed my rough bear like hands before pulling away and shoving the photo into her locket. She hugged me once more before planting a kiss on my cheek and we continued walking, plastered smiles on both of our faces. I pulled down my mask and looked down at our hands which were clasped together.

All mine..

His One and Only~Jason x Reader ||Completed||Where stories live. Discover now