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Dear Jiwoo,
dear my sweet, sweet Jiwoo.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry for what I'm about to put you through.

I'm sorry that I'm being selfish.

I'm sorry I'm ending our love story.

Despite what you think, I know you can do this without me.  You're strong.  I know you are.  That's why I fell in love with you.

In the Time of the Butterflies is a book about strong women making it through the hardest of times.  That's you, Jiwoo.  You are one of those strong women.  I know you are.

I'm not.

I can't pretend to be anymore.

You think you rely so much on me, but the truth is, I rely so much on you.

It's unhealthy.

I'm unhealthy.

Treat Woojin right.  You can do it.  I know you can.

Signing Off (as you've always loved to say),

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