Short Story

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Hi journal, so today is the day I start to Ascend up the mountain. I have a yak with me to carry all of my stuff. Oh right, today is day 1. To be honest I'm pretty nervous to go and climb the mountain. I don't know why I decided to except this dare. My friends didn't think a girl could complete to climb Mt. Everest. I wasted 4,000 dollars on supplies. I could have stayed home today and watched YouTube. Normal everyday teenage things. Anyway as I was climbing Mt. Everest, their were people in holes with supplies. It looks like there isn't another base camp for another 1,000 ft. Signing off at 12 pm, December 10th, 2019.

Hey journal day 2, it's about 4:30 in the morning. I get up earlier than others to got to get more height, write in you later. I'm freaking out so bad right now, I meet this man in his early 30s, let's say and we both were talking as we were climbing and i noticed a cornice. I told him to watch out for it. I also noticed we were starting to hit ice on the mountain. The man didn't even have crampons on. He said he has done this many times before. All we hear is the ice start to break because of the heat from the sun. We both saw the ice falling, I jumped to the left, so I wouldn't get hit and he couldn't go anywhere because of the big rocks in the way. He got hit by the icles. Signing off at 1 am, December 11th 2019. I'm going to sleep so I can have energy. I quess that was his fatality.

Hey journal, I could not sleep because of the poor man. It's about 3 am in the morning, day 3. I went looking for the man, all I found was blood and a wallet. I opened it up and I saw pictures, driver license, he had a big family, kids, a wife, his parents were still alive. His name was Matthew Thomas. I'm not doing this for me or the dare anymore. I'll do it for him. As I am getting higher. I see a older woman suffering from to much exposure from the cold. I had to descend down the mountain because of an avalanche. I had to find a dent or a hole in the mountain fast! I run and jump into this ditch in the mountain. I see the snow flying past me. The speed of the snow flying past me definitely faster than the average wind speed. Signing off 6 am, December 12th, 2019.

Hey journal, it's about 4 am in the morning, day 4, I'm wasting a day to find the chortens. Hey, I'm back. It's about 6 am, because I got lost to be honest. When I get up there, I see all of the stone monuments. I pick up a rock and put it on this flat patch of ice. I take out the wallet and put his picture against the rock and put his wallet with the rock. I give my respects and wishes. I soon realize that I'm in the acclimatize state. So I take a break for a little bit to allow my body get used to the change. It's about 2 in the afternoon, I see another person with a porter. I'm so glad I have two oxygen systems with me. Signing off at 3 pm, December 13th, 2019.

Hey journal, it's about 5 in the morning. I have reached the Death Zone. I'm so excited, only the last 3,000 ft to go. I can't wait to see my friends waiting at the bottom. They are going to pay me 2,000 dollars each day I complete early. So if finish today that's 8,000 dollars I'm gaining back. I missing them so bad. Hey, I'm back. It's about 10 pm. I think I fainted because I remember not stop climbing the mountain and everything went black when I woke up I was covered in snow. Im so cold, so I put on warm, fresh clothes. But I made it to the Hillary Step. It's about 1:30 am in the morning, I got to the summit. The view is pretty, even though it was dark. I'm back down. My friends were worried. They should have been. Well I got paid. As we get into the truck and drive away, I look at the mountain and think to myself. All I know is I'm coming back and I'm not going alone.

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