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It all happened so fast...

One minute, he was sitting on a rock in space, moping about his failure...

"Actually, being a free-roaming space nomad isn't that bad. At least it's quiet, and I-"

The next minute, the disasteroid slammed into him, which destroyed the rock he was sitting on, and sent him flying through space.

The disasteroid had hurt him, but not enough to kill him.

He spun endlessly through space, then, he crash-landed onto the moon.

He was too weak to stand up, so he lay there, waiting for himself to transform back into his human form, so he could die from lack of oxygen.

Then he saw a strange shape looming over him....and then...



"Ugh... my head...."

When Vlad came to, he found himself lying down on a soft-looking bed. His head ached, but to his surprise, he was still breathing. Immediately, he realized he was now in human form. 


Something didn't feel right to him. He felt... lighter, somehow.

"Where am i?" he wondered aloud, as He pulled himself up, and slowly sat up on the bed, rubbing his head. He couldn't see endless stars, so he definitely wasn't in space anymore.

He moved to get himself up, but the minute he got his feet onto the floor, he just so happened to trip over and ended up falling flat on his face.

"Cheese logs!" Vlad groaned internally.

Slowly, but surely, Vlad started to get his breath back, and started to pull himself up onto his feet, and slowly standing up. As he grabbed onto the bed to steady himself, it was then he noticed something... odd.


Letting go of the bed, and looking down at his hands, he saw to his surprise that all he could see were his suit jacket's sleeves. His human form's posh clothes looked at least 5 sizes too large for him. 

"What the-?! What's happened to my clothes?!"

He rubbed a hand on his chin, and stopped. he saw that his chin had no stubbly goatee on it. it was soft and smooth, like it was in college.

"I don't understand. "What-?"

Vlad's thoughts were rudely interrupted when a rustle got his attention. He looked, and he noticed that his black suit pants had fallen down, leaving him in just an oversized suit jacket.

His jaw hung for a minute or two.

"God." he muttered to himself, stepping out of his now baggy suit pants and shoes. "It feels mighty freezing in here now."

He winced as he felt the coldness of a solid floor on the bare soles of his feet.

"What on earth is goi-?" he said, and stopped mid-sentence, ultimately realizing his voice was now the same as he was in college. "M-my voice!" he coughed. "What is going on here?! Am I hallucinating?!"

"That's it." he  thought to himself. "It's nothing but a bad dream, Vlad. You're just gonna look in the mirror and state this will all be a bad dr-"

Vlad looked in a nearby mirror, and gasped. What he saw was not a dream; bad or otherwise.

What Vlad saw was a young man with blue eyes, and black hair that was spiky on the top, but long in the back, in something that was almost too familiar to him - a look he once had. And that young man was wearing what looked to be his vastly oversized suit jacket.

Vlad ala YouthfulWhere stories live. Discover now