Blood Diamond

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Name: Blood Diamond

Formerly: Red Diamond

Status: Diamond.

Pronouns: She/her/hers

Height: About a head taller than Pink Diamond.

Gem Placement: Left cheek.

Appearance (physical): Dark curly red hair with orange and the odd silver streaks that falls to just below her ears, one dark orange eye (right) one silver eye (left), has a scar across her left eye running from her temple to just above her gem, the skin around the scar is a jagged silver with some orange highlights, pale red skin with orange freckles.

Appearance (clothes): Has a red pirate captain's coat with silver fastenings, has a black half face mask that turns orange the closer to the middle it is that covers the left side of her face and gem, button up white shirt with bell sleeves tapered down at the wrist by dark orange straps, dark orange over-bust corset, black pants, red heeled knee high boots with dark orange clasps, and a red orange and black admiral's cap.

Weapon: Blood Diamond wields a pair of flintlock pistols,

Main Ability: As a main ability, Blood Diamond is able to amplify feelings of anger, hate and rage to the point of which either one of two things happen: either the victim loses their mind and sanity, or they are overcome by these feelings and go on a killing spree.

Other abilities: Blood Diamond has minor control over magnetism and has the ability to see the gem placement of other gems, this coupled with her perfect sight allows her to fire highly accurate strikes at her victims.

Personality: Blood Diamond, formerly Red Diamond, is a surprisingly cheerful, friendly person with a bubbly personality and a love of all things cute.

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