24/7 Store

46 4 2

Ship: Verhao
Summary: Vernon works the night shift in a 24/7 store and a drunk Minghao just wants to talk to someone.

It is almost 4 a.m. and Vernon is having a hard time keeping his eyes open, lucky for him the manager always gives him a ton of energy drinks.

Minutes are slowly ticking by while the blond haired boy is looking at the clock. He swallows a big amount of energy drink and groans when remembering he has classes in about five hours. He will probably fall asleep again and end up missing the whole class but then again Seungkwan only gives him the notes if he shows up to class.

Vernon jumps up by the sound of a bell ringing. A slim boy has walked into the shop and seems to look for nothing specific. The blond haired boy looks at the other for a good five minutes to make sure he doesn't know what he wants and walks up to him.

"Hi can I help you?" Vernon says politely, the other looks at him and gives a goofy smile.

"I actually... I actually have no idea." The male hiccups while talking and Vernon looks at him good for a second.

The boy his hair is a mess and his eyes a little gloomy, he smells like vanilla and something else. Something Vernon knows all to good because he has people smelling like that all the time in his shop.

"You want some water?" Vernon asks and the other crooks his head to the side as a question. "To like sober up."

"That. That. That would be. Be nice yeah." The male is tripping on his words just like how he is tripping over his feet when walking behind the younger.

Vernon shakes his head when looking at the stumbling male. He grabs a chair and a bottle of water, telling the other to sit down.

The drunk male drinks the bottle in one go and Vernon gets to look at him a bit more specific. The two look about the same age, he has black hair that falls before his eyes when he moves his head to much and damn is he skinny.

The boy disrupts his thoughts when he coughs and Vernon notices he was staring at the other male.

"So what is your name?"

"Vernon, yours?" The younger replies, he doesn't want to be rude but at the same time he doesn't really want to have a conversation with a drunk guy.

He has had those before and most ended in him getting touched without consent or him having a black eye because of saying a wrong thing.

"Minghao, you are pretty cute you know." The black haired male says with a small smile and lazy eyes.

Vernon smiles uncomfortable and after some drunk flirting of Minghao the younger changes the subject.

"So where are your friends?"

Minghao stays silent for a little while and just looks at his hands, he seems sad to Vernon and the boy almost regrets asking the question.

"Well I kind of lost them in the club." Minghao laughs, rubbing the back of his neck.

"How do you lose your friends in a club?"

"Well I kind of went looking for my boyfriend and I found him." Minghao plays with his fingers while talking, not looking at the younger at all.

"I found him. Him with. I found him kissing some girl." The boy stuggels with his words a bit, "And. And I didn't really feel like. Like looking for my friends since they. They wouldn't understand. So I came. I came here instead. Yeah. I came here."

A small sob comes from the older boy and Vernon looks shocked, it is sad for someone to be this distorded after being cheated on.

" I'm so sorry for you," Vernon lays his hand on the olders shoulder and slowly makes circles with his thumb. "You want to talk about something else, to keep your mind off of things?"

Minghao gives a sad smile and nobs.
Vernon starts talking about his classes and how his professor is probably going to kill him for falling asleep in his class.

The conversation stays one sided for a little while until Minghao starts telling stories about his horrible Korean teacher when he just moved to Korea.

With that the conversation went all kind of ways from the stuggels of learning a new language to what is the best flavor Ben and Jerry's ice-cream.

"It is getting early and my shift is going to end soon, let me get you a cab so you can get home okay?" Vernon smiles before calling a service.

Minghao looks at the younger boy with big eyes and a big smile. He was really cute.

"your cab is going to be here in 5 minutes."


Minghao wakes up the next morning with a huge headache, multiple missed calls from his now ex-boyfriend Jun and some texts from his friends about where he was last night.

He chooses to ignore all of those and instead focuses his attention on a little note that is placed inside his phone cover.

Let's meet up when you are sober

Minghao smiles while saving the boy his number into his phone before jumping into the shower.

He is now ready to go and scream at Jun for what he did to him, even if it did help him get a phone number of a pretty nice guy.


Word count: 916

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