My Sunshine

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Ship: Markjin
Summary: Jinyoung sing "You are my sunshine" to Mark.

Jinyoung smiles at Mark who is laying with his head on his lap. Brushing his hand through the boy his hair.

Mark tries to grab the younger his neck and pull him down for a kiss but Jinyoung stops him.
"Don't, you'll loose to much energy."

"Can you at least sing for me then?" Mark smiles when asking, laying his hand next his body again. Gripping onto the grass beneath him.

The older nobs and starts singing.
"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine."

It is like the two boys are in their own little bubble, like the outside world doesn't exist.
"You make me happy, when the skies are grey."

Mark smiles at the younger while hearing the him sing. His voice will always be the most beautiful thing in the world to Mark, even now.

"You'll never know, dear," Jinyoung strokes the older his check while leaning down. "How much I love you." He kisses Mark softly and tears start streaming down his face.

Mark his eyes are closing and his grip on the grass is getting weak.
The bubble around them is gone and the gunshots are audiable again.

Jinyoung is breaking down while looking at Mark his now closed eyes, trying not to focus on the blood stain on his chest.

"Please don't take my sunshine away."
The younger sings while sobbing, watching Mark take his last breath.


Word count: 233

Ha, fuck me.
Please don't hate me?

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2019 ⏰

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