Chapter 2

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Dinner was served and my mother told me to call Lo from upstairs to eat. He hasn't taken a bite since he came here this morning which probably was the tiredness from the trip taking its toll. I arrived exactly a day ago, plus the vomit and the headache from the severe jet lags I usually have. I went up and knocked on his door but there was no response. I opened it to see him lying on his front sleeping heavily, with his eyebrows forming a V shape. He was mumbling something I couldn't hear while shaking his head almost violently. I still prefer this Lo than a Lo who's talking.

I nudged him three times before I got a disgruntled voice and a tight grip on my arm as he dragged his nails on my skin. A small yelp came out of my mouth, more shaken by the sudden action than the actual searing pain his nails had caused. His eyes were bloodshot and he looked at me straight in the eyes. It took him 5 seconds to register where he was and who he was holding. He loosened his grip and mumbled a small 'sorry'.

"Nightmare huh?" I said, not knowing what to make of that incident. I had a couple of nightmares but I don't remember myself talking and tossing everywhere while sleeping.

"Yeah, it was nothing." He shrugged then said, "Why are you here?" He rubbed his eyes, still a little disorientated from his sleep.

"Oh, right, my mom said to go downstairs because it's already dinner. You haven't eaten since this morning." I said.

"Right. I'll be down in 5. Thank you."

"Sure." I said as I closed his door and went downstairs.

I looked at my arm and it's becoming redder by the minute, the mark of his nails almost visible. It baffled me and I admit I was a little curious, but that's somehow a given because I'm always eager for information. I tried not to think about what happened but the sight of those eyes concerned me just the slightest. It was anger and fear and other things all melded in the contrast of the red veins that surround his green irises. Looking at me. Almost searching. And a part of me felt stripped down of my defenses for a second. I wanted to pry but it wasn't my business so I tried to set it aside.

I heard footsteps coming downstairs and saw him running with a smile plastered on his face. It made me a little skeptical but then he greeted my parents a good evening before sitting on his chair. He nodded at me in his usual smirking and exasperating self. It was probably just a bad nightmare after all. I'll leave it at that.


After dinner, being the considerate hosts, my parents let Lo sleep as it was his request. Somewhat his request, actually. Well maybe my doing but hey, I just wanted to save our asses from playing Twister! And to make sure, I quickly said I have something to do and was ready to bolt upstairs and lock myself up when my mother protested and said, "But you came here for a break! And it's a Saturday! C'mon you two, maybe at least 3 rounds?" My ever cheerful mother said almost in a singsong tune. My dad chimed in and agreed to my mother.

"I really have something to work on, mom. And give Lo some sleep. He's probably exhausted from the trip." I eyed Lo as hard as I could hoping he could catch what I was getting on.

He faked a yawn and said, "Yeah, I probably am, Mr. and Mrs. Firth. But I'm looking forward on that game. Say, next weekend?"

"Oh alright. Get some sleep, you two." She said in a defeated voice.

We both went upstairs without looking back. I locked my door and lied on the bed with my hands folded behind my head. I looked at the door that connects both our rooms and thought about my relationship with Lo. Not much to remember except I sure was angry at him the last time we met, I never really knew why. I know it's irrational but there are just people that irk the hell out of you even if they don't do anything. And I was sure the feelings were mutual. Maybe if I just let my anger subside, we may become casual, maybe in talking terms with each other? Probably. I mean he's pretty decent now and if I just don't act upon my hatred, my vacation would be saved.

It was quite some time lying on the bed before deciding to actually clean the closet and be more thoughtful to the guest. Except I'm also a guest but now I have to play the role of 'considerate host' as well. If it were up to me, I really would have left it like that but well, I'm not entirely a stone-hearted son of a bitch. I pray to God my mother can't read minds. And I thought about it too, you know, cleaning the closet. Maybe this would be a start. I mean he's not also entirely keen on us becoming best buddies and all, so I could deal and live with that for the next few weeks. I went to the closet which also had both doors from my room and my old room, his room now. It's like, in the middle of the rooms but our rooms are still adjacent to each other. Just this closet divides it almost half of my wall that is also his wall with a door that connects both our rooms. So basically, there are three entrances possible in both our rooms, one outside which is the main door on the hallway, one is through the closet and one is the door on the wall. And basically, you don't have to understand it.

I went inside the closet and saw Lo rummaging in his bags and cleaning the closet himself. He noticed me entering the room and gave me a small nod. I waited for him to break the silence, because he usually does. His usual I-Am-The-King-Of-The-Party self usually does. Yet he didn't. I felt a little awkward and kind of guilty slumped in a corner watching him do all the work so I decided to break the ice.

"Uh, hey, you can go to sleep now. I'll do the cleaning here." I said hoping to sound sincere as much as possible.

"No, it's alright. I slept quite a lot earlier actually so I couldn't sleep now even if I tried to." He shrugged as he removed the contents of the rack, placed some of his shirts in hangers and hanged it on the steel rod.

"Alright. I'll just tidy my space here. Sorry for the mess." And I don't know why but he smirked at me and cocked his head to the side and said, "Who are you demon, and what have you done to Tay?"

I rolled my eyes at him but also smiled a little, "Isn't it the other way around? Who are you Tay and what have you done to the demon?" His sudden laugh also made me smile. His eyes though hooded and deep-set were very expressive, making crinkles when he smiles and laughs. I felt a familiar ache in my chest but I brushed it off, must be the heart burn from the meal I ate earlier.

"Well, don't get used to this, I'm just a good host, that's all." I added. He smirked at my remark and was about to say something but his phone rang.

"I have to take this." He said and gestured that he'd go inside his room.

"Sure, go on, I'm not stopping you." But somewhere, some ridiculous part of me, wanted to. Must have been the heart burn talking.

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