Part 1.

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"Just be careful with him!" - said the advice Erin heard like 20 times a day.
He was the most popular magician in Hogwarts. But his fame wasn't about the results of his exams. The boys were jealous of him and they wanted to be like him. Even just for a bit. Because he didn't follow any rules - he made them. And there wasn't any living creature on this Earth he couldn't wrap around his finger in the blink of an eye. No matter, if it was about magicians, or muggles - everyone was obsessed with him, and he knew it so well.
And the girls... oh those poor girls. Half of them hated him for breaking their hearts. But the question is: was it even real hate? Or they were just more upset over the fact, that they didn't get a bigger piece of him? Because even if he hurts kinda everyone, a touch from him was considered as the sweetest pain. And a kiss... it must be something a human brain couldn't even process. No matter, which Hogwarts house they belonged to, bunch of girls were daydreaming about the moment, when he presses his angelic lips against theirs, runs gently his fingers on their hips, and whispers them the wildest things in their ear.
Well yeah, every girl was deadly in love with him. He didn't even have to make a love potion - he had it all in his emerald green eyes. And his voice was so deep and caressing, if he ever said "Hi!" to someone, they kinda felt like his tone has touched them way deeper, than any men has done before.
Erin has always thought this danger wouldn't threaten her. She wasn't a kind of supermodel type from Vogue. But hey, if we think about it, most of the supermodels don't even have a pretty face. Well, to be more exact, she was rather too ordinary. A way too simple case for a guy like Benjamin Jones.
And that's why it was a shocking experience for her, that he laid his eyes on her during the whole History of Magic class.
Oh man, If she only knew, that her life will change THIS much because of a Slytherin guy...for the others it was a wild dream, but for her it became reality. A real, but sweet mess.

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