Part 3.

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Chapter 3.
-We need to talk? About what? I don't remember any reason I should talk to you!- answered Erin, acting as cold and careless as she could. Her sudden confidence surprised her, and she was really happy about the fact, that Ben's breathtaking appearance doesn't have any impact on her.
-What are you doing later? Would you drink a butterbeer with me?- smiled Ben at the girl softly, while the other students around them observed them, patiently waiting for something interesting to happen.
-I'd rather die, instead of breathing the same air with you. -hissed Erin, while looked at the boy with a killer sight.
-Oh wow, I like it! -laughed Ben. -Don't lie to me baby girl, I know it's been your wish all the time!
-Leave me alone Jones, or I'll punch you in the face!
-Oh really? Who would have thought, that the little grey mouse can behave like an angry lion... -smirked Ben while stepped closer to Erin, until his muscular chest almost touched the girl's breasts. Ben's warm breath carressed her face like the summer breeze, and it sent shivers up and down her spine. It felt like he stares at the roots of her soul with his enchanted green eyes.
-Go away Jones! -shouted Erin. She felt like Ben is going too far already, but the audacity was growing inside of her way faster, than the fear. Ben leaned in close to whisper in her ear.
-Why don't you show me, how wild you can be? You wouldn't regret it, and you made me reaaally curious!
Ben winked at her and that was the point, where Erin was definitely fed up with his rude behaviour. She took a deep breath, got all her strength together and punched him in the face as strong as her physical borders allowed it. Ben lurched by the power of the slap, the world was spinning around him for a minute. He stared at the girl shocked, but the primary surprise turned into hatred and disgust in a blink of an eye.
-How dared you, you stupid cunt...
The other students around them were shocked by the scene. Some of them started cheering Erin, while some of them started judging her. But one thing was sure: Erin has never been in the centre of attention this much.
-Come on, enough drama for today! -her classmate grabbed Erin's arm and pulled her away from the spot. So did Ben's mates, while they were cursing the Gryffindor girl as hardcore as they could.
-Don't you all have any better things to do? -shouted around another Slytherin boy, trying to break up the crowd. The students slowly walked away in groups, still discussing the things they witnessed.
-I'll destroy this bitch, I'll give her the worst revenge she has ever experienced, I'll fucking end her! -raged Ben loudly, his whole body was shaking because of the anger. He clenched his fist so hard, that his fingernails caused a bruise on his palm.

Before this moment, there was only one woman, who punched him in the face.
There was only one woman, who left him without any warning, any reason, any explanation.
All the women were emotionless toys for Ben, but there was only one he hated from the bottom of his heart... and it was his mother.

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