Part 10.

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Five minutes until transfiguration class. The classroom was almost full with students. The sound of chatting and laughing reminded of a bustling beehive. Erin was sitting in the third row with Cheryl, curiously investigating each other's palm, trying to read anything from it about their future.
-I swear to God, it can't be harder, than applying make up! -said Cheryl, who was the unofficial ambassador of natural beauty. She never used cosmetics, but honestly, she didn't even need it – she was beyond gorgeous without any beauty product.
-Make up is as easy as wiping your ass, Cheryl. – reacted Erin, rolling her eyes. She was quite sceptic about her friend's prophetic skills. Especially by knowing the fact, that Cheryl often uses newspapers and rumours for source. She's always been extremely curious, and also the kind of girl who thinks, if something is written down, it must be true.
-For you might be, but not for me! BUT, now it's about discovering our future!
-I think you should wait until we learn about it in school.
-Do I look like who's willing to wait 2 more years?
-Does it look like you have any other chance? -said Erin with raised eyebrows, and also with her well known „Bitch please" sight. Cheryl started laughing, and then sighed.
-I can't believe I have to use woman magazines to figure out, who will marry me!
-Darling, I've seen so many terrible relationships, I guess you should be happy as long as you're alone.
-But I've been alone for sooo long, it's boring already! I want someone, who treats me like a princess! Brings me breakfast in bed, kills the bugs in the flat, buys me jewelleries and clothes, takes me to a fancy restaurant, tells me every day how beautiful I am! I want someone who's intelligent, loyal, handsome, and has a shape like a greek god's body! And I should be the only woman in his life, because if someone has me, why would they need to talk to another women? -explained Cheryl with sparkling eyes. Erin bursted into laughter.
-My dear Cheryl, you have horribly high expectations about men!
-Why? What's so extra about that?
-Ehm... everything?
-Wow, what's your dream type then?
-Well, if someone listens to my problems and doesn't cum after 3 minutes, he's already worth keeping.
-Jesus Christ Erin, you're terrible. -laughed Cheryl, and as soon as she looked at the door, she turned pale. – Oh... my... God...
-What's whappened? -asked her Erin, and she turned to the same direction. She couldn't believe her eyes... Ben was there, laughing with some boys from Gryffindor. This wouldn't be surprising, but he was wearing a Gryffindor uniform. Just like in Erin's dream a couple of days ago.
-What the hell??? Why is this crackhead wearing our uniform? How is it allowed??? – said Cheryl, she was shaking because of anger.
-I don't know, but it means nothing good... -whispered Erin.
The other students also noticed the change. Many Gryffindor girls were cheering silently, with a huge blush on their face. The Gryffindor boys were trying to become his best mate until the class starts. The students from other houses were surprised and confused, asking each other, if anyone has any clue what's happened. The noise in the class became bigger, until Minerva McGonagall entered the classroom. Slowly everyone had their eyes on the teacher... except one person. Erin was still staring at Ben. Her eyes were filled with anxiety and insecurity.
It seemed like Ben is also looking for someone. His head was moving nervously, as his eyes were searching for the special person between the rows. And then his eyes caught Erin's, and she realized, he was looking for her. They were staring at each other for long seconds, not even hearing what McGonagall is talking about. Erin was sure, he can't read in minds, but she repeated the same sentence in her head over and over again, fondly believing, that Ben could hear it:

„Please, please be careful!" 

Ben turned away, looking only at McGonagall and at his parchment for the rest of the class. His face didn't show any emotions. Erin had no idea, how is she managed to do it, but she knew, that something bad is about to happen, and she has to do something. 

She decided to try to talk to Ben this afternoon... 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2019 ⏰

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