*~School and Some friends~*

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I wake up with the sun slightly coming through my shade. Creeping up onto my bed. I am not a morning person by no means. So getting up is a struggle. After procrastinating for ten minutes about getting up. I do. I yawned, and stretched. Dreading the day that awaits. It's a week day. Wednesday to be precise. And I hate going to school. There's always someone to bully me, or flirt with me. And it's awful.

I hear voices coming from downstairs. It's my parents. I sit there, motionless. Not wanting to move from the warm room. 'I could just call in sick!' I was about to lay back down and pretend to be dying. Until my mother called for me. 'Great She must have heard you shuffling.' I sigh once more before getting on a outfit and walking slowly downstairs. "Hello sweetie!" She grabbed my shoulder and pulled me close to her. Giving me a kiss on the head. "Morning." BOy I couldn't sound more excited. Sarcasm- I looked my fathers way and he didn't look in the happiest mood either. I walked over to him a Kiss his cheek. "Morning dad."

He gave me a slight pat on the back. Which was unusual. I forgot about it and decided to grab a piece of plain toast my mom made. I grabbed one and smeared butter on it. Then popping it into my mouth. Before grabbing my bag and putting on my shoes. My mom looked a bit hurt by the fact I was having just toast. As she made breakfast. "Your just having the toast..?" I nodded slightly, as my mouth was full. I finished chewing and putting on my shoe. Then not shortly after, heading out.

"Bye kiddo." That was the first thing he said all morning. But boy it wouldn't be his last.

—-——————Time change—————

Y/N pov

I found my way to the school, walking inside the building. Almost immediately I was greeted by Rich. He leaned against a locker. Giving me a smile. "Hey Y/N. Wanna come to my place after school? The whole gangs going, we just need you!" I could feel a smile creep up on my face. Faster then sonic when he sees his old design. "Who's going?" I continued walking to class, he was walking next to me. He looked like a shrimp. "Jake, Jeremy, Christine, Jared, Evan, Chloe, and Brooke. I just gotta get Eliza and Alex." Rich needed to run to keep up to me. Which made me laugh. "You did get the whole friend group." I couldn't stop laughing. "How could I say no to that baby face." He scoffed. "Just no alcohol." nodded faster then I've seen anyone nod. Then ran off fist bumping the air "YEET!" Rich was satisfied.

After putting things in my locker. I started waking to my math class with Mr blowfis. I look around the halls with disgust. As there's people making out, and some having sex in the janitors closet. I don't have a boyfriend cause I'm a loner. So I'm a virgin to.

Making my way to my class I spotted Jeremy walking to computer class. I smiled and waved, and his face lit up like a tomato. Instantly making him run away. I sighed, 'I don't know what's up with him.' I exhaled slightly. Walking into class. Instantly feeling shameful, and upset.

I sat in my seat. Which was in the middle of Rich, and this kid named Micheal. I looked to face Micheal, giving a small wave. His face immediately became red to. What's with kids and red faces? I look back at Mr blowfis. And by now he was doing role call.

( I'm homeschooled don't pick on me ;( )

Mr blowfis suddenly stopped, and looked at this girl I don't remember. "Oh my apologies, today we have a new student. Veronica Sawyer! would you like to come up here and tell us about you?" The girl looked a bit dumbfounded and nervous. She took deep breaths then stood up "Yes Mr Blowfish." The room erupted with laughter. As the girls face turned a light pink. She apologized and introduced herself. I could tell she was nervous. After that she sunk into her seat. She looked like she wanted to die. She had a medium short brown bob. A sweater and a scarf. Her brown eyes sparkled with the lights reflection.

—————Time skip to after class!————

I walk out of class, I had a minor headache. And my brain was dead. But I didn't care. I don't care about pain usually. I spot Veronica. And quickly run up to her. "Excuse me." She seemed a little frightened. So she jumped slightly. "I was wondering if you would wanna sit with me and my friends?" I gave her a warm smile. She seemed taken back by my offer. "Of course! I'm Veronica, Veronica Sawyer." She shook my hand.

"I'm Y/N. Y/N L/N."

☺️ 💄🐾~Sara

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