Jiraiya meets Eva

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After Kakashi left the Hokage office he was in deep shock over all that he heard and he was walking through the village when the voice of Sasuke caught his attention.

Sasuke came walking toward Kakashi with a scowl on his face and said "So what did you find out. Do I get another chance to become a Chunnin since the exams was canceled."

Kakashi said "Actually...For embarrassing the village by not only missing your match but the entire exam you are going to be punished."

Sasuke glared and said "Why. I mean it was your fault we were late."

Kakashi said "That is true but it was also your responsibility to keep up with the days as well since it was YOUR promotion at stakes. Now the Sandaime has decided for your punishment to be that you will lose the chance to become a Chunnin for the next 2 years, you will also have to do 5 D-rank mission a week by yourself until the next Chunnin exams in 6 months. It will be your responsibility to make sure they are done because if you don't do them your Sharingan will be sealed off."

Sasuke said "You can't do that."

Kakashi said "I have my own punishment Sasuke and it's not my decision. It was the Hokage's."

Sasuke scowled and thought "perhaps it's time I took Danzo up on his offer. He prove to me that day the Sandaime is nothing but a figurehead and the real control of the village is in the council. Thats it, the council." and said "Then I will speak with the council. The Hokage is nothing but a figure head anyways." as he turned and started to walk away."

Kakashi blinked and thought "figurehead huh...NOT with the look he was ready to kill me with...I can't let him talk to the council and start a massacre." and said "Sasuke, I believe you are wrong about the Hokage being nothing but a figurehead. You do realize that if you are right about the Hokage being a figurehead though then the council made that decision of your punishment."

Sasuke stopped in his tracks and thought a moment and said "I guess your right...I can't believe that they would actually threaten me though." as he began to rub the curse seal and remembered Kabuto words the day in the hospital.


Kabuto stood over the bodies of 4 ANBU and he looked at Sasuke who was in the bed and said "As you can see. I am stronger then most think. My master taught me that Konoha will only hold me back and that they are doing the same thing to you. They think your too weak to kill your brother and avenge your clan. Watch, they are already holding you back...why else give you the laziest sensei there is who is always late...now rest." as he placed his glowing hand on Sasuke head causing Sasuke to pass out as he prepared for Kakashi.

End flashback.

Kakashi blinked and thought "has he always been so conceded." as he frowned seeing Sasuke rub the curse seal and after a quick thought said "It is probably because of all the VIP that were upset with you not showing up as well as the invasion. Everyone is pissed right now over that and Konoha needs those VIP to be happy so we can stay strong. Just think, by doing those D-rank mission you will get stronger and you don't have to take the exam to become Chunnin."

Sasuke blinked and looked at Kakashi asked 'What do you mean. I thought the exam were the only way to be promoted."

Kakashi said "The exams are mostly advertisements for the different villages showing off their best Gennin Truth is about half of the Chunnin in the village became Chunnin by excelling on missions and were promoted that way. Odds are that is what the Sandaime will do with you."

Sasuke quit rubbing the curse seal and thought for several minutes and said "Fine...I don't like it but your right." and thought "He was right, Konoha is holding me back because they think I am too weak to kill HIM. Your the same Kakashi, you purposely made me late so I could not be promoted and held back from getting stronger to kill HIM. I will play along... for now." as he began to walk away.

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