Deciding Fate, Destiny, and Faith

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Jiraiya chuckled and said "Good one Tsunade-hime...Well, you see the thing  is..."

Tsunade turned in her seat and grabbed Jiraiya by the front of his shirt and raised him off the floor by it and said "Look, I washed my hands with Konoha a long time ago and of anything that reminds me of it. Just leave me alone." as she shoved him away and he hit the wall 20 feet away.

Naruto looked at Tsunade and then at the girl next to her and Naruto asked "Then what are you doing traveling with a Konoha nin huh. If you washed your hands of Konoha then what is she doing with you." as he thought "according to Jiraiya that is Shizune, Tsunade official apprentice meaning she was a Konoha nin."

Tsunade flinched and Shizune said, "I am Tsunade apprentice."

Naruto said "Then by the laws of the leaf village that means you are accepting the duties as a Konoha Shinobi. What rank are you."

Shizune flinched at Naruto's words and said "I..." as she looks at Tsunade.

Tsunade asked, "What rank are you and who the hell are you gaki."

Naruto said "Naruto Uzumaki, Chunin of Konoha."

Tsunade said, "And I am a Sannin and Shizune has traveling rights as my apprentice so don't even think about finishing your argument."

Naruto said, "As long as you are a LOYAL Konoha Shinobi and if you refuse to return to Konoha under the orders of the Sandaime who sent us makes you a missing-nin and thus if your assistant also refuses makes her one as well."

Jiraiya who stood back up said, "That's enough Naruto."

Naruto said "What's enough. I mean we ran into a pair of S-rank missing nins on our way to find the old hag after Konoha was attacked by Orochimaru and his army and the army of Suna and because the old man sent for her and her..."

Tsunade clenched her fist and asked "What the hell did you call me gaki." as she unleashed some KI.

Naruto felt it and ignored it and said "Please, Zabuza and Orochimaru both had more KI then that and Shukaku had more than both them so yours doesn't affect me and as for the old hag part, you look like one with all those wrinkles."

All 3 of the other there gasped and Tsunade rubbed her face and said "What wrinkles."

Naruto said "The ones you have on your face and hands. Genjutsu doesn't work on me." as he heard Eva say there was a Genjutsu on Tsunade.

Jiraiya thought "So that suit can even penetrate Tsunade Genjutsu."

Tsunade crossed her arms and glared at Naruto and said "So what if you see what I really look like. I am still a Sannin, Chunin."

Naruto said "All I see is an old hag been drunk who lets her past control her. The bingo book tells all about your brother and fiancé dying in the war and you leaving Konoha vowing never to return. You may have at one time have been a great sannin but all I see is an old decrepit has-been who drinks to much Sake, with a massive gambling addiction, and ..." as a punch hit him right in the head and he flew back 20 feet through a wall.

Jiraiya screamed "Naruto..." as he started to move as Tsunade lowered her fist.

To everyone shock Naruto walked in and said "Damn, Sakura punches harder then you do granny and shes a weak fangirl and here I expected more from a Sannin but I guess you were the weaker of the 3 then because I fought Orochimaru before so I know how tough he is and I can beat Ero-sannin here with a single jutsu just like I beat the old man so tell me, what does it feel like to be a weakling."

Jiraiya thought "the suit must have absorbed most of the chakra from Tsunade punch which is why he was not hurt. Be careful kid because Tsunade losing it."

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