Chapter 100. The Importance of Thought Sorting, Mental Health and Kindness.

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Ok, so it's not a wrestling chapter.
But, I think this is an important chapter to place here for the hundredth part of this book.
I'm newly 18 and I'm gonna be 100% honest in this chapter.
No editing this, no deleting this later, my raw thoughts.
I don't know shit about anything, I don't have true friends that aren't online, and I'm totally scared of the future.
My mental health is a wreck lately, I lost someone super close to me in March and my grandfather isn't doing the best now. But, because of school, I really don't have much time to go through my head and sort all my thoughts out. But right now, I'm kind of numb to everything because I'm overwhelmed by everything. The thoughts of my grandfather and the thoughts future that I have to no idea how to handle.

You know how teachers and other adults ask you what you're planning on doing after high school.
Yeah, that question scares the shit out of me because I literally have no clue.

I got that question in a birthday card from my cousin last month and it made me fucking bawl my eyes out.
Call me overdramatic but it's 100% true.

Like I said before: I have literally no clue what the future holds for me. And I wish that I could say that I'm learning how to not be scared but, unfortunately, I can't.
But the thing about being scared is that it means that I care.
I don't know where I fit into the world but, I know I'll figure something out.

Then there's the schoolwork/homework  that I've been holding off for a shitty two months.
Creative writing.
Write a short story based on a prompt given.
Q: Easy yeah?
A: Fuck to the no.
It's super effing hard to write if I don't give a fuck about what I'm supposed to be writing.
And besides, all I've ever written is fanfic, I've only had to make up one person and here I have to make up multiple.
I'm seriously so comfortable with not having to do that.
I really can't write anything other than fanfiction and whatever this chapter ends up being.

-rant (?) over?-

Here's the thing with thought sorting, mental health and kindness:

If you're heads not right and you can't think straight or focus, take the fucking day off to get everything sorted. It literally doesn't fucking matter if you've got the biggest test of your life or this super important presentation that you have to do. You can make that shit up. You truly can't fully function and focus on what you have to if your thoughts are on other things. Sort your thoughts and get your head right before doing anything. Your mental, emotional and physical health should be your number one priorities.
Sorting your thoughts will help you in what you want to do and help you be a better overall person.
Being the best you that's you can be starts with a clear head and thoughts of positivity.
I really have to learn how to sort my thoughts sometimes and being here, writing this is a way of doing that for me.

There's a lot f stuff I have to learn still, I'm 18 for God's sake. I'm lucky to have a family who will help me and talk to me through my problems.
I'm really truly fucking grateful for them like they wouldn't believe.
Oh yeah, another thing, don't take the ones you love for granted. No one lives forever.
Got a grudge against someone?
Let it go.
Mad at someone over something stupid?
Let it go.
Get into an argument with someone.
Be the bigger person and apologize.

No one is around forever and they could be gone tomorrow.
Nothing is guaranteed.
Nothing is set in stone.
Be nice to people.
Compliment someone.
Say hi to someone you don't usually talk to because it could just make their day.
Everyone's so caught up in gossip and drama.
Get out of there while you can, it's unhealthy.
Live life to the fullest, conquer fears, be who you want to be.
No one can tell you how to live your life.
You've only got one life to live.
Do it right.
Stay healthy mentally, emotionally and physically, stay safe and be kind to others.

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