The first time it happened I was 14.

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I had been hanging out with a girl named Marissa, (or what most fourteen year olds at the time would call after only a week, my BFFL), she was a petite girl that was a little bit taller than me and had a fascination with boy bands and the color black, she also had copper colored hair that was crimped and had laid perfectly at her shoulders. She had green eyes, and they were always lined with a thick rim of eyeliner. Her pale skin was covered in freckles that were hardly seen anywhere other than her face due to the constant boy band hoodies she wore. She was the same age as me and we had met in English. Quickly we became friends, mainly because of our lack of knowing people and the fact that we sat next to each other due to a seating chart. We had absolutely nothing in common but it was okay because I didn't talk to many people and my mom desperately wanted for me to have more friends. During class on a random Friday of which I have no idea when, she invited me to a sleepover.
We had gone to a local skate park which had been only a few blocks away from her house. I remember it had been nine o'clock because my mom had always told me to never be out that late, but i was sleeping over at Marissa's house and her parents didn't care. I should've listened to my mom. We had gone to a skate park without anything to actually "skate with." Her and I had been running up and down a half pipe and giggling for what seemed like hours, when suddenly we had noticed a cars headlights peep into the very empty parking lot ever so slowly as if the driver was hunting for something. The BMW quietly parked in the spot closest to the park, while Marissa and I exchanged looks partly of confusion and worry. The sleek black door of the BMW smoothly swung open as a boy stepped out, I had recognized the imbacile immediately. Ransom Kole was notorious for being the guy that took damn near every girls virginity including my actual best friend for life.
Ransom wasn't too handsome or too ugly really, he was a good middle, but that didn't matter much because he had a rich family and a go-to bad boy story ready at all times. He had brown shaggy hair that stopped just before his well groomed eyebrows, and a smile that was paired with a set of dimples. The shape of his face resembled that of Gregg Sulkin, and he was a whopping 5'9." His clothes were always ordered online, and more often than not his style was made up of black vans with a specific brand of jeans i never cared to know about, and a black hoodie with some sort of logo on it. I guess all this is what made him so popular with young high school girls that were desperate to lose their innocence and maybe even their streak of having no prior diseases, he was a mediocre guy with money and a good story. He was about 4 years older than me, and one of the two reasons i knew him was because he had graduated a semester early and id seen him around school, the second being due to him taking by best friends virginity the summer before our freshman year. I should've seen something wrong with him considering he was turning girls into women before they could even reach high school. He had a reputation that every girl knew about before they got involved with him, he always would give them attention for no more than two weeks, claim them, and leave them before they could even pull their shit together.
Ransom walked silently into the parks chain link fence before acknowledging us, he continued to gaze as he nonchalantly walked right into our personal space. He had asked us how our night had been going and complimented the two of us until our nerves subsided. As we relaxed into blissful comfortability he slowly wedged himself between Marissa and myself. We found ourselves with our arms folded and elbows propped up on the cold back wall of the massive half pipe. He continued to tell a story of how he ran from police once and went as far as the west coast to get away from them, all while managing to never actually tell us what he did. The story involved him making himself sound like an urban James Dean fugitive, and a glorified underground band member from Seattle that did "the hard stuff." Marissa appeared to be entranced with the song that had been used to lure many other girls to the deaths of their childhood, I failed to enjoy the sound of this sirens song.
He had attempted to catch the interests of the both of us with his tall tale, soon coming to a conclusion after realizing only one of us found his run down story remotely intriguing. As Marissa came back to the reality of our small, lifeless town, Ransom propositioned that we go with him to another skate park that he liked better. Marissa, being the crush ridden girl she was, made a b line for the car, i dawdled as i debated what the hell my mother would say had i been caught. The body of Ransom Kole quickly blocked my path as he seemed to ask me what was wrong. As if he cared. I met his gaze, reassured him and quickly arrived to the door of the car. I had seen Marissa get into the back seat of the BMW, so I reached for the handle and pulled. Before the door had an opportunity to open, Ransom, with half a joking tone and half serious had demanded i sit in the front with him. I hesitantly reached for the sleek handle, but once again before the door had a chance to open, the hum of a car's engine had caused me to divert my attention to the entrance of the once empty parking lot.
Hannah was Marissa's older sister, she was 19 and i had been as close with her as i had with Marissa. She looked very different in comparison to her sister, she had long brown hair that curled it's way down to her hips, she had eyes that were as if they were color matched to her hair, and a nose that was decorated with a small stud. Her smile was something she was proud of and wasn't afraid to show any of her hundreds of friends she hardly knew on the internet. She drove a red chevy of which i never actually knew the model, however i did know it was her once her LED headlights had no longer filled my pupils. Her car maneuvered the potholes in the poorly maintained parking lot before sliding into a parking spot next to Ransoms. She had come down to check on Marissa and I, and after seeing Marissa in the back seat and Ransom and I standing there she produced a wide grin. I had cut off her manifesting thoughts with an explanation as to what we were doing and before i could tell her we weren't actually going to do anything, she quickly cut me off and told us she'd meet us at the other park.
The ride across town was quiet and quick as usual considering our town wasn't that large. Red Mountain was known for its strong ass winds, the nine month -20 degree winters, and the 100+ degree three month summers. We essentially set in a geological bowl that was full of sagebrush, dead grass, a couple pine trees and some rude ass meth infested people. On the bright side no one's ever been killed here. Our town had absolutely nothing but a local grocery store that hardly ever carried fresh produce, and never had anything in stock. We also had a few restaurants downtown but they were no better than the shitty options we were offered at the grocery store. We consisted of a couple thousand people that all worked at the restaurants, the store, or the next town over. The next town was about 20 minutes away and offered drastically different options. It had motels, a mall which wasn't really much but it was the closest place you could buy clothing, a KFC, a Sonic and a couple other chains that were simply there due to population and the highway running through it. The main reason for any signs of life to exist in this part of the state we call Arkansas, is only due to the mines. Any families that were considered rich here all either worked in the mines or owned one of the few establishments that highway goers frequented.
Once both cars reached the other park, and had sat there for no more than five minutes, Hannah had offered that we all go back to her and Marissa's house. After exchanging looks, and after three out of the four of us nodded, Hannah suggested that Marissa ride back with her because she was lonely. I reached to let myself out of the car and suddenly Hannah looked at me and said they'd meet us there and that Ransom would need directions and that i should stay. After promptly winking, and speeding out of sight, I was left alone with me, my thoughts, and the Genghis Khan of Arkansas. As he slid the shifter into drive he began to speak for what seemed like the first time since the skate park. He had tried to sing me a song full of cliche phrases like "Ive seen you around school and your pretty cute" or "I like hard to get." I continued to muster up realistic sounding giggles as he came closer and closer to the house i so desperately wanted to get to. Before the expensive car could apply it's breaks and slide into park i leaped out of the door and swiftly moved for the screen door. Ransom seemed to take this as a challenge and sprinted to grab the door from my hand and hold it for me, despite me being half way into the house already. I muttered a thank you and navigated my way to Hannah's room where i knew i could find the sisters.
The Williams house was a small, yellow house that had 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Every neighborhood in Red Mountain has its own design and every single house is identical with the exception of color. I consider their house small because the bedrooms in this house are no bigger than a janitor's closet at the school we go to. Once you walk in your immediately put in the center of a living room the size of two queen sized beds. An arch at the left of the living room leads to a dining room of equal size that was formerly a small garage, and if you make the decision to go straight upon walking into the home you walk into the kitchen that is crammed with a sink, a stove and stairs to the basement where the master bedroom and a bathroom is at. The other bathroom and the other two bedrooms are down a hall that is to the right of the front door. The entire house is a homage to the 80s.
I reached the doorway of Hannahs pink colored room and quickly scanned for a place to sit, and promptly sat on the floor cross legged beside the frameless bed Hannah and Marissa were sitting on. Ransom soon came to the doorway and did exactly as i did but went to sit in a specific spot on the bed which had placed him right in front of me. Marissa shuffled and paused before joining me on the floor.
For the next half hour the four of us would do small things to keep our interest like coloring, and watching cable before realizing it was eleven o'clock and that Marissa and I's tiny fourteen year old bodies were tired. Without changing, the four of us got onto Hannahs Queen sized bed as if it were ritual. Hannah had scooted into the bed first, laying against the wall, Ransom scooted in after her and Marissa followed and lastly i joined, savoring the fact that I got the other edge of the bed and that I was farthest from Ransom. We layed in the dark as the old T.V flickered through scenes and the occasional commercial break for a couple minutes before Marissa decided to reside to her bedroom. I yelled to her that i would be a couple minutes, and that i just wanted to finish watching The First 48.

Before the commercial break would end, I would become too tired to keep my eyes open. I laid my head on my arm and as I pulled the blankets up to cover myself with the other hand I noticed that Ransom had simultaneously scooted closer to me and rested his arm next to mine on the side of my body. I opened my mouth to tell him to knock it off, but my eyes fluttered and I decided I was far too tired to care.
Oh My God is this Sleep Paralysis? I can't BREATHE! Don't open your eyes, Don't open your eyes, DON'T. I thought I had been having a nightmare, my entire body felt as if there was sand holding me down and as I slowly pried my eyes open enough to see through my eyelashes, I froze. I quickly slammed my eyes shut as I realized what was happening. I felt Ransom shift and I knew instantly he was looking at my face because he must've felt me flinch. I held my breath and pretended to twitch as if I were still asleep and blissfully unaware of what was occuring. My mind raced, but I still wasn't sure of what was fully happening, I slowly creeped my eyes open enough to see and what I saw sent me into a panic. I fearfully closed my eyes tight and came to the realization that I couldn't move. Moments after this thought crossed my ever so filling mind, I felt his slobbery mouth push onto mine with so much pressure that my lips pushed into my teeth. I wanted to wince, to cry, to scream, to run, but I couldn't.

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