you're scared of thunderstorms

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- is also scared
- cuddles with you
- watches movies until it's over
- lots of kisses
- goes to sleep with you afterwards

- finds it cute
- teases you about being scared
- pulls you into bed with him
- holds you until you fall asleep
- also falls asleep after a while

- more scared than you are
- you both jump at every lighting bolt
- lots of silly faces to take your minds off of the storm
- cuddles are a must

- also finds it cute
- sits down on the couch with you in his lap
- plays friends
- ends up falling asleep with you on the couch

- lots of love
- snacks are a must
- does anything to make you calmer
- lots of laughs
- maybe some kdramas

- just does what he always does
- makes you laugh uncontrollably
- shows you behind the scenes pictures of hwarang
- you end up passing out on the couch
- cuddles up to you and falls asleep with you

- does aegyo to take your mind off the storm
- falls even more in love with you
- gives you lots of kisses, everywhere
- will not stop talking about how much he loves you
- falls asleep before you


hey so if this is bad, sorry. i'm writing this at one thirty in the morning where i live so my brain isn't working right. anyway this was requested by @Holliexox12 so i hope this is what you wanted. lots of love hun🥰

also we just had some awful storms lately where i live so i decided now would be a good time to write this

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