they catch you crying

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it was around 5:30 and you thought jin wasn't supposed to be home until 7, so you took this as the opportunity to let all your pain out. you were crying so loudly, you didn't even hear jin come home. as soon as he heard you crying, he ran to where he heard the sounds and immediately ran up to you and hugged you. it hurt him so much to know that you were hurting and that you felt like you couldn't tell him. both of you say there, crying in each other's arms for about 15 minutes before jin decided to lighten up the mood.

"baby, do you want me to cook your favorite meal for you?"

"yes please"

yoongihe knew about your depression and he understood you, since he's been through the same

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he knew about your depression and he understood you, since he's been through the same. he'd let you talk to him and cry into his shoulder if you needed to, but most of the time you didn't cry in front of him. you'd always wait until he had to leave for work before you broke down. well, on one of these days, he had forgotten something at home and had to come back and get it. as soon as he entered the house and heard you crying, he called into work sick and stayed home with you for the day, just cuddling with you and watching movies until you both fell asleep. he wouldn't push you to tell him what was wrong, but he would let you know that he was always there for you and you could tell him anything.

hoseokhoseok never knew when you were hurting because you'd just always smile and hide it from him

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hoseok never knew when you were hurting because you'd just always smile and hide it from him. you'd always wait for him to leave for work before you'd break down. you'd be sitting in the living room, head buried into your knees, crying. hoseok would hear you crying as he locked the door and would feel his heart sink. he decided to call the members and asked them to tell bang pd he wouldn't be there today. hoseok would drive all around town, finding you the perfect chocolate, flowers, and gift to bring back to you. once he found everything he needed, he quickly drove back home to you. once he arrived home, he had all of the things he bought you in his hands, ready to open the door and him give you the surprise. he opened the door and saw you in the living, curled into a ball on the couch, sleeping. he giggled a little before setting his gifts onto the coffee table and picking you up bridal style, carrying to your shared room. he'd lay you down softly onto the bed and pull you into his chest, falling asleep slowly after, whispering to you how much he loves you.

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