10 2 0

" ms kim y/n "

I stop my sneaking action , i shut my eyes and pray to God to not involving me in any troubles . I turn my body and immediately shooketh when it is the principle

Y/n :

I said ! With a 90° bow

Principle :
Yes good morning to you too y/n

I bite my lips nervous , its a fooking principle !! I stood up properly , not even dare to had eye contact with the principle

Principle :
Why are you late ??

I look at his innocent creepy smile faces , owhh m g , why does this sending me chills ?? I got goosebumps . I forcefully smile back to the principle and tried my best to respond him

Y/n :
Owhh err this - , i woke up late sir

Principle :
Owh is it ? Again ?

His smile became even creepier , he approach me and pat my shoulder . His hand is heavy , i guess my shoulder are weak in afraid

Well the next thing i know is that i ended up in his office

Principle :
Kim y/n , you have been late on Friday for literally every assembly you've skip . What actually is your plan ? Why are you purposedly late for only on Friday ?

Yeahh i literally every friday i came late , why tho ? Owh i just dont want to attend the assembly thats all

Y/n :
I err -

Principle :
Is it the assembly you dont want to attend ?

I look at him shock , he then nodded and gave me that creepy glare

Y/n :
I - i can explain sir

Principle :
Go ahead missy

Y/n :
Okay listen here , i dont want to join the other student in that hall and included as the crowded people because i hate it you know

Principle :
That is not a relevant answer

Y/n :
I KNOW , its sounds crazy but its true

Principle :
Are you sure you gonna continue your lateness ?

I gulp at his strong gaze and the meaning behind his question , i know i will stutured later but i pray to God to no let me die

Y/n :
I- im sorry sir

Principle :
Apologize accepted but if the next time i caught you late and not attending assembly again , i swear y/n that i will punish you badly . Dismiss .

I awkwardly smile and wore my bag , i left his office and i can see that all of the teacher is already in the office , the assembly has already meet the end

" Where did you go ? "

Y/n :
To the heaven

Jungkook :
Im not dumb y/n

Y/n :
Fine i got busted

Jungkook :
HA -! told ya , you should at least listen to us

Y/n :
Pfft whatever

Jungkook :
Look at how stubborn you are

He ruffle my hair and pinch my cheeks , i look at him deadly as i fix my hair and threw his hand away from my cheeks

Jungkook :
Aigoo ~ angry lil boo

He ruffle my hairs even violencely , i wanted to hit him so bad but he avoid himself very fast like he has the instincts

Y/n :
Urgh !! Stop it Jungkook

I groan in frustrated , my death glare never stop looking at him doing those dumb things while he walk to his seat

He stick his tongue out , and he is getting into my NERVE !!

" you are so dead mr Jeon Jungkook "

I lip sync while doing the cutting my neck with my thumb action , he pretended to be scare and laugh sarcastically

Luckily the teacher has came in , interrupt my death glare section with the dumb jungkook

After school ,

Jhope :
Any plan today ?

Jimin :
Lets go to the karaoke !!

Y/n :
Yay !

Jungkook :
Wearing our school uniform ?

Jhope :
Ughh duhh , what could be worst ??

Y/n :

I smile at jhope who is proudly at what he meant . We've exited the school gate and started to walk to the other direction of home .


As we arrived that place , we book a room for us and order some drinks . We are so excited to sing !! I am looking forward to their amazing voice , it must be a perfection !!

I sit at the couch , found myself comfortable when the three of them started to groove the music along to their body , its a pleasing moment ya know . They sing and dance very well , and when jhope started to rap , it shook the hell out of me

Jimin :
Y/n's turn !!

Jimin said , grabbing my wrist . They were all panting hard when they have enjoyed their lyfe singing the lungs out of them .

I grab a microphone , try to sing along the song that ive picked . GOSH this is so embarrassing !! It took me awhile when i realized that the three hooman who has been clapping and swinging their body are actually my BEST FRIEND !

I cant believed !!

Their eyes shooketh when i started to sing the lungs out of me tooo , its like i lived for the one last time . Its also sounded like I've been chasing by a ghost ㅋㅋ

" wow you are ... actually good "

They said , awkward tone . I know i am a bad performers but i cant doubt that this could be the first and the last time of me in this place with them .

I sat down next to them when jimin started to sing again . I am tired , i dance like i never does before , i sing like i never does before too . Meanwhile them , being a perfectionist here , living under a head with this ugly jerks " me "

And all of sudden while everyone is dozing off to their performances , i got a mother nature call , a pee . I excuse myself out , not trying to ruin their moment .

I close the door behind me , trying to figure out where is the toilet is . It was like a maze , everything looks the same , but the music aren't .

I think ive over heard an amazing singer across a hall way , it was a powerful yet soulful voice . Holy shooketh , her rap is amazing !!

And yes it sounded like a HER i guess .

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Y'all im headache . I am totally empty rite now . I dont know whether this chapter is fun or boring , im dead .

Thank you for reading !! Dont forget to leave this page a star 🌟 and comment any place u want

Bye bye booo ~

Dont miss out the next chapter !!

Happy Avacados // 3Jजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें