The Beginnings of an Everlasting Friendship

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LIFE WAS STRANGE. The last ten hours had been an extremely terrifying and painful ordeal, but it was also the most human contact I had had in months, and somehow that fact alone kept me smiling, replaying conversations in my head, as I followed the group with my wrists tightly tied together. They had argued leaving me near Nina's fortress, tied to a tree, but luckily Mitch convinced them that if I truly meant no harm, they would essentially be executing me. Walkers would show up pretty quickly, attracted to all the noise we had just made, and devour me within seconds, and that's if Nina didn't find me first and drag me back down to her own personal torture dungeon.

I was really beginning to like Mitch already, he was nice, offering me water from his canteen and half of his granola bar. But the pretty boy on the other hand, whose name I learned was Pierre, definitely had it out for me, judging from his quick but noticeable glances of contempt he threw my way when he thought I wasn't looking. The girl did not like to be called Kitty by anyone who wasn't her friend, I learned that the hard way, so I made a mental note to use her full name, Katherine, next time. I brushed away a stray strand of hair from my eyes, wincing as the sudden movement sent a stinging pain down my pinkie finger.

"What?" Katherine turned around, an eyebrow raised.

"Oh, nothing." I shrugged, waving her off. "Just my finger hurts is all."

"Nina did that to all my fingers." She bragged, raising her bandaged fingers. "Stop being such a big baby." I rolled my eyes, partly annoyed that she was boasting about something like that, and still a bit pissed that she was about to let me die back in the cell, but I was also partly admiring her spirit. Not a lot of people could just stay as strong as she was after facing and ordeal like that. I was only there for a night, and judging from the shape of her, the purple and raw bruises littered across her face, she must have been held prisoner for a while. I shuddered, not wanting to imagine the things Nina might have done to her.

"So how much further is this camp of yours?" I asked, shaking my head to dispel any more thoughts of Nina, and changing the subject.

"Oh, wouldn't you like to know?" Pierre mumbled under his breath, barely turning around.

"It's pretty far. Like North Seattle, far." Mitch interjected suddenly, slowing down to walk alongside me. "But we have a car, that... we should have found by now..." He trailed off, looking at Pierre suddenly.

"Yeah, Pierre, where is this car?" Katherine asked, also turning to Pierre.

"You know, now that I think about it, I've definitely seen that rock before." Mitch added on, pointing towards a large mossy boulder nestled at the roots of a large pine tree. I narrowed my eyes, realizing I had seen it before too, more than once.

"We're going in circles." I stated plainly. Pierre turned around to look at us, still maintaining that arrogant glimmer in his emerald eyes.

"I may have lost the map," He explained, more nonchalant than apologetic, "And we may be lost..."

"Great..." Katherine huffed, putting her hands on her hips. "Why didn't you just bring Reiji with you? You two idiots can't do a single thing right."

"Hey, we came here to save you. A little gratitude would be nice." Pierre argued.

"Well, do you at least know which direction you parked it?" I asked, looking down as Pierre's intent stare fell upon me again.

"Nobody is talking to you." He sneered.

"It was definitely North." Mitch chimed in, once again. A direction was a start, now I just had to work my magic.

"So we just have to go North." I instructed, walking to the side to pick up a long stick.

【the house in our dreams.】
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