Expansion Churros Part 3

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Part Three: Big Breasts And Wide Hips

"Katrina, you're starting to creep me out," I said nervously.

"Why? Is it because I can use magic to make you grow even bigger?" she giggled. "Yeah, that's gotta be the reason."

"Yeah! Make her grow HUGE!" Kylie agreed.

"Whoa, Kylie. Who said you were off the hook?"


Katrina tried not to laugh, "Hehe, you're next!"

"What!? Noooo! Please don't!" she begged.

"Hmmmm, what are you two thinking?" Katrina turned to me and then Sabrina. "Sabrina's got the tits and Janelle's got the ass....I'm in the mood for some more breast expansion, though."

"Noooo! Please! I just wanna watch!" pleaded Kylie, though Katrina didn't seem to be up for negotiation.

"Gee, Kylie. I'm not sure. I mean, you're the only one here that hasn't expanded yet."

"You haven't!" she pointed.

"Well, I have magic. I CONTROL who expands and who doesn't. I like to watch people expand, hehe."

"That is SOOOO not fair!"

"Haha, sure it is! So, how big should I make you swell? To Sabrina's size? Or even BIGGER?"

At that moment Katrina's twin sister Clara entered the room, "Hey everyone! Whoa! What happened?"

I sighed and looked over my shoulder at my expanded backside, "It's a long story...."

"Haha, Janelle's got a big butt!" Clara giggled. "And Sabrina's boobies are HUGE!"

"Yeah. Where were you, anyways?" asked Katrina.

"I was upstairs cleaning for a little bit. Then I took a little break and teleported down to the kitchen, and here I am."

"Why the kitchen?"

"To get a little snack, duh! Those churros are really tasty!"

"Oh god no...."


"You did NOT just eat a churro...."

"I didn't have just one, silly. I had them ALL! Haha. Sorry. They were so good I just couldn't stop eating them. I don't even know how many I had. Maybe like six or seven. I don't know. But what I DO know is that they were yummy!"

Sabrina and I both smiled at each other before looking over to see Katrina's reaction. Her smile had disappeared instantly. She stood speechless, knowing what was about to happen, as did everyone in the room. Well, except poor Clara, of course.

"Hmmmmm....I think my robe shrunk a little in the wash," Clara said.

"Clara?" I asked inquisitively. "You said you ate the rest of the churros, right?"

"Yeah. Both plates. Why?"

"Ah, just making sure. Hehe."

"I can make more if you want? Unless Katrina wants to help me for once and we can make some now."

I thought for a second, "Wait, didn't she help you earlier, Clara?"

"Haha, no. I made the churros. Why, she trying to take credit for how AMAZING they taste?" Clara joked.

"You lied to us, Katrina!"

"Well you wouldn't have eaten them if I made them myself!"

"And you wonder why? We can never trust you because you always try expanding us somehow!"

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