Alicia's BE

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"Stupid Katrina! Why does she always have to boss me around?"

Clara was walking down the street one late afternoon, upset over the fact that her sister, Katrina, would tell her to do stuff for her. Taking a walk by herself was a way to get it off her mind.

The sun was starting to set, and the temperature outside was starting to cool.

"Well, the day's just about over. Wonder what I have to do tomorrow?"

Clara continued walking, looking over and glancing at some flowers growing from someone's garden in front of their house, "Oooo! Pretty flowers!"

She turned her head and continued walking, then bumped into someone.


"Uhh-s-sorry!" Clara said, turning her head.

In front of Clara stood a girl about the same height as Clara, and had long hair that was half black and half white. Clara looked into her eyes and noticed that her left eye was green, and the other was actually yellow.

"It's alright," the girl replied softly, "I wasn't really looking where I was going either."

The two stood staring at one another. The woman's breasts were practically bursting out of her shirt and she had a very curvy lower half. Clara was lost in the woman's cleavage, staring deep into it like pool of endless imagination.

"My name's Alicia, what's your name?"

Clara snapped out of her trance and looked up into her eye's, knowing full well that she had just been caught staring into the woman's incredible cleavage.

"Oh name's Clara. I'm a witch."

"Oh, really? That's cute," giggled Alicia.

As she smiled, Clara could see two fangs on the top of her teeth. Clara's imagination ran wild until Alicia asked another question, "So, what're you doing out? Bored? Going somewhere?"

"Oh, not really. Just taking a little walk to get away from my stupid sister."

"You have a sister?"

"Yes, a twin."

"That's so cute! Mind if I meet her?"

Clara gave Alicia an odd look. They just met and she wanted to meet Katrina? Clara could tell she was very friendly, and Clara too was also the friendly type of person.

"Yeah, sure! What could go wrong?" Clara smiled and led Alicia to the twins' house.


Clara opened the front door and stepped inside follow by Alicia.

"Hey Katrina, I'm back- WHAT!? Why did you spill green stuff all over the floor!?"

"What!? Can't hear you!" Katrina called from the back room.

"You know, I may like to clean, but it doesn't mean you have to leave me these 'little surprises' after I get back! I just cleaned the house not too long ago!"

"Oh, shut up! Stop your complaining!" Katrina yelled once again.

A little tear rolled down Clara's cheek as she turned to face Alicia with her arms folded, "You see? That's why I went for a walk. To get away from the BIG FAT MEANIE!"

"Hey! I heard that!"

"Thought you said you couldn't hear me!?" Clara hollered back, looking back into Alicia's eyes.

"Awww, c'mon, you're too cute to be sad. C'mon, cheer up," Alicia wiped the tears away from Clara's cheeks. Clara smiled and her cheeks started to turn red.

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