The Oath: 2. Capsicle

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"What went wrong? That was a recon mission!" Peter's voice was laced with panic.

"Hey, hey, calm down." Tony reached over to put a hand on his shoulder, only to be swapped away.

"Don't tell me to calm down!" He paused, looking guilty for lashing out. "Sorry. Look, Cap never sends distress signals. And when he does, it means that things went south. And I mean, really really south." That's true, when the Avengers used to live in the tower, the good captain never asked for help during solo missions.

"Where is he now? Where?" Tony questioned.

"Toronto." Peter and Friday replied at the same time. "Fri, vitals?"

"The Captain's vitals are steady. Though he suffers from multiple contusions, a sprained left wrist, and three broken ribs, Mr. Parker."

"Do we have a visual?"

"No. And the communication system is damaged. Showing last available footage." A holographic screen appeared in front of them.

The scene was dark, but multiple goons could be seen fighting Cap, who threw a couple off the roof. He blocked a punch to the face, and sent a few flying towards them. It wasn't enough. One of the goons tackled him to the floor, and kicked him in the ribs. Steve let out a cry of pain. That was all Peter had to know.

"Pause." The video stopped, and Peter zoomed in on one of the thugs. He froze.

"Hydra." His eyes filled with terror. "Friday, how long does it take to go to Toronto?"

"One hour, but no quinjets available."

"Uh, is Carol around? Strange? Scott?"

"I'm afraid not, sir. You appear to be the closest."

"Not close enough." He began to pace nervously around the room, trying to think of a plan. He had nothing, and Cap was not gonna make it out there.

"I'll do it." He turned around, Tony couldn't be serious. He was pointing at the arc reactor resting on his chest.

"No, I can't ask you to do that. Besides, you're supposed to be dead, or did you forget about that?"

"Do you have a better idea?" He had a point. He could get there in twenty minutes.


"We're doing it." He said firmly, prompting no further discussion. He tapped the arc twice and his suit powered on. He headed for the balcony, and gave one last look at Peter, who seemed resigned.

"Just don't freak him out. You're lucky I didn't pass out right then and there. Also try being a little... Stealthy. Bring him to the compound, I'll meet you there." Tony was about to argue. "There's no time to waste, chop chop!" He urged. The helmet flipped on and Iron Man soared through the sky like a missile.

Now comes the waiting. He puts on the suit and swings over to the facility. Luckily for him, not a lot of workers are there on weekends, let alone in the middle of the night.

He thinks about the last twenty minutes. He still doesn't believe they're real, maybe it's just a too-good-to-be-true dream.


Toronto, Canada 11:35PM

A brilliant red and gold suit darts through the clear night sky. His mind had taken in way too much information just this hour for him to even think straight. But now, he had one priority. Get Cap out, bring him to the compound. His train of thought was interrupted by a call.

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