A/N + Sneak Peak

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A creaking sound snapped them out of their touchy-feely moment. Both men turned to where they believed the sound came from. One of the underground base's pillars wasn't exactly standing straight. This whole place was about to come down. 

"We can't stay here." Steve states as if it weren't obvious enough. He gasps as he sees a huge slab of concrete falling on Tony's head. With a soldier's instinct, he shoves his friend away. His back screams in agony, and he knew no more.

lmao don't kill me.

i just wanted to take the time to thank each and every one of you that read the story. Your support is what helps me keep going. Feel free to give me prompts! But I'm not good at writing romance, so I'll steer clear of that.
where do you want this story to go?
And i would just like to clarify some things. The year is 2033, Tony is still 53 since time doesn't exist in the pocket dimension, Steve is forty-ish, and Peter is 27.

Anyway, next chapter will be out soon enough. But I am going through my finals next week till May 16 so updates will be a lil slow.


A Second Chance (Fix-its/One-shots)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon