Chapter 4

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Doc's Pov
It was finally time to open the rock. Everyone flew out in a rush as we opened it. As a representative for the shadow kingdom, I brought the shadow stone with me. It customary for leaders to bring the stones when visiting a kingdom. My troops soon started to head east to bonfire island. For war was about to begin.


We reached Bonfire island just in time for the Nightsetters to make the night sky. Bonfire island got its name for being an active volcano in the hottest area of Syria.

Soon my troop of BlackFlame dragons quickly landed and let out a sigh. They enjoyed the heat of the fire, but for my son and I, we were sweating as a newborn water dragon produces water.

I left my troops alone and took my son to the Fire castle. As we were flying there I remembered the prophecy.

One kingdom
Two species, Become one
For their child, Holds the stone
Born a leader, Dies a solider
Can save the world.

I almost stopped flying. In the fire kingdom there were two species. The flame and shadow dragons. The king was a fire dragon and the queen was a shadow dragon. Plus they're are also royal.

Maybe the prophecy was coming true, maybe one of their children can help end this war. I snapped out of my thoughts as we were reaching the castle. I noticed that the king and queen were waiting for us by the door. Slowly I swooped down and landed face to face with the king.

"King Frezu" I said bowing to him,"and the lovely Queen Darnia".

Darnia was the shadow king's daughter. Since the use of BlackFlame dragons became popular King Frezu decided to have Darnia as his mate.

"Welcome King Doc, and Prince Stark. We have a spare room for you to rest in. The temperature is just right for you. We hope you enjoy your stay" King Frezu said with a kind smile.

"King Frezu my son is here to help with the raid, may you pair him with a BlackFlame dragon in your kingdom. I want him to learn the art of flame and shadow" I said with a gesture to my son.

"Yes my son Flaric will be perfect" he said as he lifted his head to the sky. He let out a low roar and then out of nowhere a BlackFlame dragon came swooping down.

Flaric was a large dragon for his age, 1800 years old had smooth scales for BlackFlame dragons and had creamy gray eyes.

"Hello Stark" Flaric said reaching his paw out to shake Stark's.

"Hello Flaric" Stark replied shaking his paw.

The two boys flew off to do some training. I turned my head towards King Frezu.

"I need to talk to you secretly about something. This could lead to stopping the war" I said.

"Follow me. I know where to go" Frezu said as he walked inside.

Inside the castle there was a large chandelier with flames roaring from it. In the front of the room was two large thrones where the king and queen sat.

Behind us there were two tapestries. One with the fire stone and another with the king. Frezu went to the tapestry with him on it and moved it out of the way showing a door.

"Quickly" he said "even the guards don't know about this room".

I went through the doors to find a excruciating hot room. There in the center of the room was an egg and the fire stone that both look alike.

"Stark my friend... This is my daughter" Frezu said as he started to walk towards the egg, " I want you to take her and guard her if anything happens to me."

I looked at the egg. It looked so much like the stone. This might show that she must be related to the prophecy if she was to wield the stone.

All of a sudden a loud roar was heard outside and the two kings ran out of the room. Frezu quickly dashed out of the castle to find a army of Water dragons including hell himself.



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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2019 ⏰

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