fiolee pt 3 💊// it's okay..

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*Marshall threw the bottle across the room crying and looking at fionnas life less body*
Marshall: you're not dying on me! *shoves fingers down her throat making her now gag*

Common fionna.. common!

Fionna now has threw up all the half dissolved pills and food she had eaten and Marshall could smell the alcohol, which surprised him very much, but he was still extremely concerned for her health, he continued forcing her to throw up before he had done anything else
Marshall Lee was no docter but he was sure he just saved her life, her heart beat grew strong again but she was still unconscious which made Marshall still nervous
He drew he a nice warm bath and had started to undress her while she was leaning against him while sitting on the bathroom floor.

Marshalls pov🦇

I knew I had to clean her up and give her the treatment she deserved weather she was awake or not..but I felt a wave of guilt as I took off her shirt slowly trying my best to keep eye contact away from her boobs, I had decided to leave her bra and panties on to respect a little of her privacy. As I was doing this I had realized how soft her skin was.. it was so warm to the touch.. so perfect so smooth *marshall takes a loufa and runs it across her back and now he had gotten to her hair, he was surprised she wasn't awake yet.
Marshall had caught himself glancing at her boobs and pussy. He knew this wasn't the time at to think about it and it was completely inappropriate,  he kept his thoughts to himself.

I had decided to give her my flannel after I got her out and dryed her off.. she was so perfect.. what was going on in her little head.. that she thought suicide was the answer.. *sighs and looks at her*
I had cleaned her sheets and blanket and pillow cases quick so she would have nice clean fresh ones. I layed her down in the bed and covered her in her nice warm blankets.. and made sure everything was cleaned up. It was 2am by now and I couldn't Believe cake wasn't home.. I'm kinda glad she wasn't.. thus would have been traumatizing..

Fionna: mmmhm *knots her eyebrow together and groans, and then relaxes again*

Marshall stares at her, looking at her lips, her nose, her neck.. her long golden locks

"So beautiful" he whispered

Marshall decided to stay by her side that night, even if he didn't have a shirt on. He wasn't going to leave her.

Early the next morning

Fionnas pov

Ugh my head.. w-what.... what.. *rubs her eyes and groans*
I thought...
*looks to her right and notices marshall is  right next to her* 
*gasps* m-marshall?!? W-what happened last night?!? *whispers fionna to herself*
*notices that shes wearing his flannel*
Gnabh! *blushes super hard*
N-no this can't be possible.. i-i tried to kill myself last night.. did you *turns around*
Marshall: what were you thinking..
Fionna: *looks up to Marshall with tears in her eyes* y-you saved my life..?
Marshall: yes! *tears comes to his eyes* I HAD TO FORCE THOSE PILLS UP FIONNA! *tears form*
Fionna: m-marshall I'm sorry.. things happened last night.. that sent me spiraling out of control.. made me doubt my self worth.. *looks down*

Marshall: *less tense* what happened..

Fionna: I got.. attacked.. I'm not sure by who but.. *pulls down shirt covering her private areas and starts to cry* They touched me.. and did things to me that I don't wanna talk about... I couldn't do anything.. I was drunk coming home from my birthday party and cake said she would be home soon, and I guess she's still with lord M.. i..
Marshall: I'm going to kill them.. I will kill them for you fionna *boiling with anger as he is crying now, and puts both arms on the wall on each side of fionna*

Fionna: m-marshall please.. stay calm..*crying*

Marshall: stay calm!? Fionna someone touched you! Someone violated that space! Someone took advantage of you! Someone took that from yo--

Marshall is greeted with a small gental kiss, and at that very second.. He felt as if everything had dissolved.. and only him and fionna were there, sharing this moment again.. Fionnas warm lips pulled away from marshalls.. they looks at each other, blushing and motionless as they stare at each other*

To be continued :3
🍋smol lemon will be coming next chapter btw🍋
Thank you so much if you're reading this, I love you and thank you!!🐰🦇😋🤠

fiolee   🦇🐰//🍋mature content 16+🍋//Where stories live. Discover now