chapter 31~wild thoughts

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"No I'm not"

"Who was your first" joshua fired another question

"You're not?" Lorraine asked surprised

"I'm tired" allassandro got up and left with an unreadable expression
l didn't mean to lie its just everyone here has experience and l don't..

"My turn is over" l laughed nervously

"Right, well then oriana truth or dare"


"I dare you to give me a blow job"

"Well that's my cue to leave" dean said

"yeah me too I'm tired goodnight" I said getting up

Lorraine kept eyeing me as if trying to figure out whether I was lying or not.

When l entered the room allassandro had his face turned to the wall pretending to be sleeping

I layed beside him on my back he didn't even acknowledge my presence

Every night since we got back I'd sleep in his arms so tonight it felt weird to not have his arms around me
l kept twisting and turning not being able to fall asleep
Hours must have passed and I still haven't Fallen asleep

He sighed turning to face me

"I'm sorry" he whispered

"For what" l asked

"For being angry, for ignoring you"

"Its okay"

"No it's not that shouldn't have any affect on our relationship because I've slept with people and that's in the past but the thought of another man touching you.." His eyes switched to black "it fucking kills me"

"I-" should l tell him the truth?

"Its okay ruby" he kissed my forehead and hugged me

I didn't know how or when but I fell asleep

I was sitting in our little hut room when the pain hit me I curled up in a little ball on the floor holding on to my stomach

Aunt flo had visited and I was not prepared..

"Shit shit shit what do I do"
Allassandro was out on a hunt with dean and joshua, there was no way in hell I was asking Lorraine or oriana for help
I always thought that my menstrual cramps were more intense than other girls it hurts so much that l even have trouble breathing, okay maybe l exaggerated a bit but it really does hurt a lot

"Ah" I grunted in a low voice l was gonna need a pad or something

I took deep breaths trying to calm down but it was no use

It felt like something inside was trying to get out by fisting on my stomach walls

"Fuck" l breathe out l wanna go home my bottom lip trembled I was on the verge of crying

"Ruby what's wrong" allan asked coming beside me

Shit I don't wanna tell him

"Its just.." I grunted "I'm okay"

"l smell blood, are you bleeding? what's wrong with you" he panicked

he picked me up

"No please put me down, I'm okay l promise" I breathe out "I just, it's just" Another wave of pain hit me and tears came from my eyes

My other half (Not Edited)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя