Ch. 1

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(y/n) P.O.V ~
Life at home isn't the best you see when I was born my mom passed while giving birth to me ,and when my dad found out he wasn't to happy that the woman he loved was gone because of his child.

After  my birth my dad didn't want me home so  he asked my grandma on my mom side of the family to take me and she did but the thing is she lived all the way in ( name a state) and we lived in (name another state).

Living with her was the worst because all she would do was  blamed me for my mom's death you see my mom was an only child so I could tell that my grandma was hurting because her child was gone but luckily I only lived with her until I was 5 because my dad wanted me back home.

I thought he would love me but was I so wrong when we got home he hit me with his belt so hard that the buckle hit me now I have a scare on the bottom of my chin to my shoulder and he says  it's a reminder that I was the monster that killed the love of his life. I became depressed at first it wasn't anything big but over the years it got worse the voices in my head wouldn't stop talking and it kept getting worse I would cut myself to relieve the pain and when I did that the voices would stop talking for awhile.

Now I'm 18 and still cutting and living at home with my abusive father but the only good this from this is that I can escape all of reality with music that is the only safe place I have that won't hurt me.

So hopefully you liked it so far well if you have any ideas for future storys please tell me

Andy x reader Where stories live. Discover now