Chapter 19

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Max cracked open the door, slowly pushing it further as he peered down the hallway. The footsteps had gone silent, leaving Max in a state of uncertainty as to where the shadow might have been.

"Ok Rae. I'm going to step out there." Max whispered. "And whatever happens, run to the office, got it?"

Rae shivered at the thought, reluctantly replying yes as Max proceeded. He stepped out into the hall, looking back and forth in search of an enemy. It seemed however, that they were actually alone.

"Huh... I guess they're gone?.." Max whispered, motioning for Rae to come out.

"Where are they?" Rae asked as she entered the hallway.

Max shrugged, still examining the hall for irregularities. Nothing looked abnormal, but the hall was absolutely empty and dead silent. It left them both feeling uneasy, refusing to believe the shadows were gone.

They made for the office, cautiously checking corners and rooms as they moved on. It appeared that they were truly alone, until the silence was broken by a loud crash behind them.

They turned to see a shadow had crashed through the ceiling. It growled as it approached slowly, its shape and appearance as shifty and strange as ever. "Maximus Caster!" it screeched. "We have captured the one called Sindra."

"You bastards!" Max shouted, stepping in front of Rae. "Let her go or else I'll-"

"You will give us Ameranth at the top of the central building here in Sovereign city." the shadow declared. "We will return her for the sword. A fair trade if you value her life."

Max gritted his teeth, wanting more than anything to reject the shadow's demands then and there. To go to the tower and save Sindra, defeating the shadows like the powerful sorcerer he should be. Yet instead, all he could do was stare in awe at his powerless position.

"Yes, we'll be there!" Rae quickly chimed, pushing Max back. "We accept, we will give you Ameranth for Sindra."

The shadow bowed its head in acknowledgment, stepping back under the hole in the ceiling. "You are wise Miss. Angelo." The shadow swiftly leaped through the hole, leaving the two alone in the hallway once more.

The sound of sirens chiming in the distance seemed to hang above the hole in the ceiling. The hall was dim from the destruction of the light fixtures in the ceiling. Max and Rae stood silently for a moment, the hall making a good example of the shattering world around them.

"Why would you do that!?" Max finally said. "We can't give them Ameranth!"

"Of course not!" Rae replied. "But we can't let them know that. How else can we plan to save her?"

Max paused, realizing Rae had made a good decision. He sighed, lowering his head as he pondered what to do next. The shadows had countered there plan with precision, they were clearly not to be underestimated.

"Ok. You're right." Max said. "Lets find the others. We'll tell them what's giing on and this time, we won't underestimate these things."

When Max and Rae had returned to the base, they explained what had happened to them at the school. How the shadows had used powerful entities in their attack and their capture of Sindra. Though relieved by the prospect of a ransom, the pressure of the situation was only lightened. Sindra was alive, but for how long, no one could be sure.

"Sindra got captured?" Axel asked, collapsing in a nearby chair. "How?!"

"I'm not sure myself." Calan replied. "Shadows almost never group up like this. They're so organised and tactical. Something is very strange about all of this."

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