Chapter 1

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Hi guys. So I wanted to do a kind of....I don't really what it will be so....I hope you enjoy!

I stared at the chaos infront of me. All of the bodies. The blood lining the floor. My friends. My family. Strangers. They all had their whole lives ahead of them and I ruined it. Footsteps sounded behind me and I heard hushed voices but didn't move. I didn't turn around to look because it would trigger the reaction. The monster within me.

The voices continued as I stood there unmoving.
'There she is'
'What has she done?'
'Rather, what has it done?'
I heard the clicking of a gun being loaded and fell to my knees before the word around me turned black. This was it. I was released. This was what I deserved.


I woke up in a daze. The room was dark. Is this death? No. There is no life after death. Even if there was, even hell wasn't bad enoug for what I have done. I wasn't dead. I didnt want this, I scanned the room for something to release myself. But the room was empty. The room was grey with no windows and a door with a barred opening. Footsteps sounded behind the door and I sat there, still. I can look at them as I am not in direct moonlight but I would rather not look at anyone after what I did.

I heard the door open and two men walk in. One seemed to be a guard from the pattern of his footsteps and the other some kind of authoritative figure in here from the fact he had a guard.
"Stand up" The guard instructed me. I stood up, not wanting any complications or trouble.
"Look up" The same gruff voice commanded. I was hesitant but slowly looked up and saw that the man speaking had been the guard and the other a scientist of sorts.
"Move" I was escorted out by the guard and a few of his friends who came out of various rooms to escort me with the scientist following behind.

The hallways were white with other doors like the one I came out of. It seemed like a testing facility with the scientist and all the guards but I can't be sure. I took my eyes off of my surroundings and onto the guards. They seemed wary, their muscles tensed and their hands on their guns. From their movements i could tell that one of them was the leader and also by the way he seemed more confident in himself. That one was who had gotten me out of my cell in this place and was standing at the front.

We turned a corner and I spotted a door at the very end of the corridor. This journey would soon be coming to an end but they wouldn't be done with me. I am most probably being led to a testing lab where there would do experiments on me like I was some hamster that was expendable. I took a deep breath. I couldn't afford to lose my temper, see, I don't....snap shall we say....unless I am in direct moonlight or if I lose my temper which, unfortunately, is a lot.

The door was opened and I was pushed roughly inside and tied down onto a chair. The scientist who came with me walked over to a window and, if it was still night, that would be the last mistake he ever makes. Low and behold, wben he opens the curtains the silvery light beamed in and the monster took over.

Hi guys, It's me. I just wanted to say thank you for taking an interest in this story and I hope you stay with me untill the next. See you later.

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