Part 3

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I went downstairs and saw... my brother and his friends!?
You-"Really, Jackson really!?"
Jackson-"sorry.... Uhm so these are my friends Jungkook,Jimin, Taehyung and Jin."
I ran upstairs not thinking straight why's HE IN MY HOUSE!?
I don't want this to be real tell me it's a dream.
Uhh I'll call my friends.
{On the phone}
You: Guys come over I'm bored and Some of the bts members is with my brother....
Lana: is jin oppa there?!
You: yes
Ket: I'm coming.
{hangs up}
Argh no fine don't say bye then I though to myself.
I heard the door bell make a sound so I ran down stairs and opened the door, but the girls pushed me into the hard wall and ran over to the boys.
I'll kill them for sure, I then went over to them.
You-"srsly girls"
Taehyung-"you gotta love' em"
I rolled my eyes.
Jungkook-"told ya we're famous"
You-"oh no shit Sherlock"
Jackson-"let's play truth or dare instead"
Jungkook-"truth or dare Lana"
Jungkook-"I dare you to kiss jin"
We all turned to jin and he was like a red tomato, and Lana she just kissed him with no hesitation.
You-"just date already" I said while I chuckled a little bit.
We went on like this for a few hours before everyone else went to bed except from me and jungkook.
Jungkook-"sooo... how's life..?"
Y/n-"it's good.. you should get one" I said smiling.
Jungkook stared at me weirdly.
I forgot he sat rlly close to me...when he came closer and closer to my face... was he going to kiss me!!!!!! No he's not taking my first kiss! NOOO but why does a part of me want to kiss him so badly....
I could feel his hot breath on my lips... he leaned more in but... the lights turned on and we saw... Jimin.
Jungkook-"yah don't tell me u didn't want it"
I stared at him in disgust.
I showed him my beautiful tongue and went behind Jimin, I said thank you to Jimin and kissed him on his cheek and went to bed.
Omg why did I almost kiss him stupid y/n stupid stupid arghhh!!!!
The next day-
We were outside and having fun when a girl came and clinged onto Jungkook, for some reason I felt rlly jealous but I ignored the feeling.
When we were eating on a cafe she said.
Anna-"babe who's that? She's so ugly ew"
I rolled my eyes.
Jungkook-"she's my friend."
Anna-"oh well can u go and get me something to drink?"
He went to get something for this Anna girl and she turned to me.
Anna-"if u ever try to take him away from istg I'll kill you with only one look"
Hah I'm not afraid of that little shi***
Anna-"he's mine... he's gonna ask me to marry him soon!"
I rolled my eyes again.
I felt so disgusted that he tried to kiss me when he had a girlfriend.
When he came back I took my things and went out of the store.
What's gonna happen next?

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