Part 5

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I was walking with my dog Loke,  while I still had those questions in my mind. Does he like Anna?
Suddenly I saw someone familiar, oh shit it's Jungkook. I tried to hide myself but it was too late he started walking over to me.
Suddenly Loke started barking at him, he got shocked but still didn't stop walking to me. Damn it Loke scare him :(
You-"what is it?"
Jungkook-"you wanna hang out?"
Hm should I? Maybe I could get to know him more and maybe I could find out if he's lying or not.
Some hours later}
You-"so tell me who's this Anna girl..?"
Jungkook-"she... well she was my high school girlfriend, but I didn't rlly like her so I broke up. And when she and I became idols she though that me and her could be together again so she tells anyone that I'm hers."
You-"oh but why don't u just say it to her then?"
Jungkook-"even tho I don't like her, I don't wanna hurt her"
{some weeks later}
Me and junglebook became bestfriends and I'm now helping him making food so he doesn't burn down the dorms.
Jungkook-"uhhh...what now?"
You-" now you mix the pancake mix together and wait some minutes before u actually make them."
We then sat there bored not knowing what to do until he hit me with a pillow.
You-"what did u just do!"
Jungkook-"threw a pillow at you?"
I then started a pillow fight.
Jungkook-"OW that's cheating!!!"
He said because you pinched him.
Jungkook-"I'm gonna YEET you!"
He said trying to YEET you.
You-"you actually tried to?!"
We then had a normal little fight. Jungkook then fell off the couch and took me with him, I then landed on top of him and we stood like that for a few minutes, then the door swung open and it was Anna..
She said while coming up to us. I then quickly stood up and looked at Jungkook.
Anna then came over and tried to slap me, but I caught her hand.
Jungkook just stood there shocked.
You-"you shouldn't really slap someone without a Real reason"
Anna-"u tried to steal my boyfriend!"
You-"your boyfriend!? He broke up with u in high school, and when u guys became idols u though it would be cool to just say your with him, when it's all a lie. Anna just get this inside your head, he don't like you."
Anna just stood there shocked and she ran out.
Jungkook-"ow shit....thank you y/n..."
I then glanced at him and helped him up.
You-"I'm sorry..."
We then decided to go out for a walk.
Jungkook-"y/n I have to confess something" he said while we were in the hallway.
Jungkook-"I really like you y/n...wait no I don't like you I love you... and i understand if u don't feel the same..."
Jungkook then walked away...
Wait, but I like him too I can't let him go..
I then ran up to him and turned him around.
Y/n-"and who told you I didn't like you...?"
He then smashed his lips on mine, it tastes like strawberries...
2 years later
We had a daughter named Somin,
And we were going to the park today.
then she came downstairs, Jungkook came in and said.
Jungkook-"girls...why do girls have to be so slow."
You-"shut up"
Wait that was her first word!?
Jungkook and I stared at each other in shock.
You-"let's just go..."
The end....

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