coeurs et étoiles 1

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Being married to Daoming Si is a dream come true or so she thought, in the end Xiao Zi had have enough. She had married a robot, whose only goal is to make the Daoming Group of Company successful.

"Ah Si, it has been years! Do you think San Cai would be happy seeing you destroy yourself? You're working yourself to death." she says as she barged in his office.

He's been working most of the time, almost living in his office. He was never home. He thought he could work the hurt away.

"Xiao Zi, I don't have time for your drama, beside this is what all of you want right? To see me succeed? To see me fulfill my role as the Daoming Heir? I have been doing everything that people are expecting me to do. I gave up my happines for the thousand employees of the Daoming Group. What else do you want from me? Isn't this enough?" he answered.

His heart keeps on dying everyday, and the pressure of handling Daoming Group doesn't make it any easier. The thousands lives and the hundreds family that he carries on his shoulder, can't just be put aside.

"Shan Cai is dead! She's long gone! She's never coming back! I'm glad she's dead, atleast she can no longer see how pathetic and weak you are!" she shouted, wanting him to see her point.

She didn't expect Daoming Si to push him down the sofa towering over her, expecting him to hit her straight on the face. She close her eyes and brace herself for the impact of his hand to her cheek, but it never did. As she open her eyes she sees him sitting in the ground silently weeping. It broke her heart seeing him be torn apart after all these years. She hug and comfort him, expecting him to move away like he always do, but this time he just let her.

Her words were like dull knives continuously stabbing his heart. He felt every word, like it was grating his whole being. Her words are reminder of the truth that he denies to face everyday.

"Xiao Zi, I'm sorry. If I could have it my way, I would have joined her. I can't live without her." he weeps.

It broke her heart seeing him this vulnerable but she have waited long enough. She have given him 4 years to mourn Shan Cai's death. It's about time he get back on his feet and move on.

"Ah Si, you of all people know how Shan Cai is, she would never wish for you to do that. We all know that she would have wanted you to live a happy life even though she's no longer a part of that life. She want you to succeed because that is what you wanted, not because that is what everyone expect of you. We're still here Ah Si, your friend, your family, we're still here." she cooed him.

Even though there are times that she was almost ready to give up, her love for him over power her fears and doubts. And she can freely love him now, even though she didn't wish for her death, she took it as an opportunity given by heaven to love the man of her dreams.

Xiao Zi's words were like ice cold water pouring on his head, waking him up. Shan Cai would be devastated seeing him like this, alive but not really living. Killing himself would be like killing her the second time around. He knows her better than anyone, all she want is for him to be happy.

"You're right. I would make my girl proud. I would do everything knowing that she's watching over me, knowing that seeing me happy will make her happy. I would pick myself up and live the life she wanted me to live." he weep continuously.

Xiao Zi should be happy with his response but deep inside, her heart is shattering knowing how much he still love her. Knowing that after all these years he have never forgotten her, not even once. Knowing that using Shan Cai is the only solution she can come up with to bring the old Ah Si back.

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