coeurs et étoiles 2

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A few months later. Ah Si starts acting like his old self again. He starts hanging out with his friends again. He is starting to enjoy life like he used to. Although he is still sensitive hearing San Cai' name, he cannot be like this forever. San Cai would not like it, so finally he decided he want to give love a chance.

Ah Si is leading the blindfolded Xiao Zi to their mansions' backyard.

"Ah Si where are we going?" says Xiao Zi.

"Just hold on to me, you monkey. Or you're gonna fall." Ah Si jokingly says.

"Okay, okay" she answered giggling.

"Now you can remove the blind fold." he says smiling.

"Wow! Just wow!" Xiao Zi said after seeing what's in front of her.

She was awed. Their large pool have many rose petals and mini candles floating on the water. The veranda have hundreds of fairy lights leading to a two seater table.

Ah Si have been nice to her ever since their confrontation in his office. But she have never expected this, he was civil with her but never like this.

"Do you like it? This is my way of saying thank you for always having my back. And my wedding anniversary gift as well, I've realised I have never given you anything for our anniversary ever since. You know, even though we just married each other out of convenience." he says as he adjust the chair for her.

She have been through a lot because of him. She was nothing but patient through the years she treated her like she was nothing. She was always there to cheer him up, she always got her back. This is his way to show his appreciation.

"Oh, Ah Si I didn't know you can be this sweet. And I didn't marry you out of convenience, I love you way way back. Even though I know you would never love me back." she answered bitterly as she sits down.

"Never say never, monkey. This time I would like to give love a chance." he says sincerely as he sits across from her.

He meant it. He want to be happy again, because he knows San Cai would want nothing but happiness for him.

His words gave her hope. Finally, the chance she's been waiting for all these years is happening right in front of her.

"Really? There's no turning back this time. And I don't want this to be my anniversary gift, cause I will not give you a chance to change your mind. If you really are the man of your word, you will give me the gift that I want." she says challenging him.

And as this opportunity rarely comes, she will seize the moment.

"What is it?" he ask nervously.

"Touch me, Ah Si. Touch me, as a woman"

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