Chapter 1

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Hey I'm Amara, I'm 18 years old and this is my senior year of high school. I'm ready for this to be over, because I've never been a fan of high school. Maybe it's because of the people I have to see everyday. Let me give you a brief description of my beautiful form. I'm very sexy, with my jet black hair, hazel eyes, when I'm in human form of course, and lightly toned skin. I stand 5'3 tall but if I'm in sneakers I'm a good 5'4. Being the "abnormal" one out the bunch, I try my best to get in where I fit in. I'm not one that likes fitting in though.

Friday, September 5th

"Amara get up! You're going to be late for school!" My mama hollered from downstairs.

I groaned loudly. I lifted the covers off my head and sunlight beamed in my face. I hurried to my window and closed my blackout curtains. I can't stand sunlight first thing in the morning. After standing and staring for a blank moment, I went into my bathroom which was attached to my room to start getting ready. I heard my phone ringing, walking into my room brushing my teeth, I answer it.

"Hello" I mumbled.
"Wassup shorty" Pink said.
"What's good." I spit out toothpaste in my sink.
"You want to ride with me, Mario, and Tyson?"
"Yeah I'll be ready in 15."

I got off the phone and threw on some clothes. I walked downstairs and my mama was standing in the kitchen drinking orange juice.

"You driving to school today?" She asked me.

"No, riding with Pink" I said.

She smiled and went up the stairs. My brother was getting ready to leave out as well. We both walked out the door and I locked it.

"You good? Need anything?" My brother looked at me.

"I'm alright, have fun," I said to him before walking off.

I get into the car with Pink. Tyson was driving and Mario was in the backseat.

Pink's my best friend. We've been best friends for 2 years now. She and her twin, Mario, they're fun to be around. Although she acts funny sometimes, I still love her. I honestly wouldn't make it through these high school days without them. We plan on going to the same college or at least one nearby one another's. Pink has dark brown eyes, the perfect sized nose, full lips, clear brown skin, and she always looked like she was mean mugging, that's just her face.

"Hey y'all," I said, getting in.

"Wassup girl," Pink said.

"What's good," Tyson said.

"Hey Amara," Mario said, looking at me smiling.

I've always found Pink's twin, Mario, to be fine as fuck and have had a huge crush on him forever. I just can't seem to tell him though. I'm really close with him and Pink. He has some cute ass hazel eyes, tall, with brown skin, and a perfectly trimmed beard. I'd like to do a few things to him. I just don't know if I'm ready for another serious relationship.

We drove off and headed to school. I thought about telling Mario how I felt about him today, but I don't know. Pink knew I liked him but I never knew if she told him or not, but it really doesn't matter. I'll make it clear that I do, somehow.

We arrived at school, parking in the front parking lot as we opened the doors and all got out the car. Pink and Tyson held hands as they walked in. I glanced over at Mario and smiled as he walked over to join his friends. I walked over to my locker, putting my bag in as I took my books out for my first three classes, shutting my locker once I was done.

"I know you missed me," Jaylen said scaring me with his presence.

Jaylen, the typical high school jock. All the girls wanted him but he wanted me. He's my ex, but we fell off bad due to him just wanting to be popular. We just got back cool, he's almost like a best friend but he has his days. He always smelled good, had light brown eyes, dark toned skin, and his smile was perfect. He's probably the reason why I can't tell Mario how I really feel about him.

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