Stag meets rose

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She hugged her brother tightly, arms around his neck while he gripped her waist tightly. She pulled away, resting her hands on top of his steel plated shoulders. She would be riding for Kings Landing today, alongside her sister, grandmother and father. Margaery was to declare her love for King Joffrey, in order to become his queen and one step closer to the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms.

It had be a little while since her late husband, Renly, had died. Loras was already situated in Kings Landing, after him and the majority of the Tyrell army fought beside the Lannister army in the Battle of the Blackwater. He waited for his family a few miles away to arrive, the journey was long, but thankfully not over seas.

"I'm going to miss you sister. I wonder when we will next see each other" Now, Margaret was saying goodbye to her elder brother Willas, and her younger brother Garlan. Willas looked over to his left to see Garlan and Margaery exchanging words between each other.

"Maybe when Margaery's wedding comes around, I'm positive that you'll be in that city for that" Margaret replied, pulling her shawl closer to her body. Her grandmother was already seated inside their cart, while her father stood beside his horse.

"Well whenever it is, I hope you have a safe journey sister" Willas told her as she glanced up at him and smiled brightly "Write to me as soon as you arrive, let me know that my brother and sisters are safe"

"Not grandmother or father?" she teased as Willas chuckled. The southern air around them was warm, but not for Margaret. Unlike the rest of her family, Margaret was not lucky enough to feel the warmth like her siblings were.

"Grandmother can handle herself, I have no doubt she'll make it safely to Kings Landing" Willas stated "She isn't called the Queen of Thorns for nothing" with his response, she let out a sweet chuckle before pulling him in for one last hug.

A few moments later, she was hugging her younger brother Garlan, her and Margaery switching places. It wasn't long after that that she stepped into the cart where her grandmother was impatiently waiting. She admired the scenery of Highgarden once more through the small window, as she did not know when the next time would be when she saw it with her own eyes.

She scanned the white stone walls with her eyes. She would miss the stretch of golden roses and the fruit that the handmaidens would bring to her room. Beautiful and juicy peaches and fire plumbs, along with some sweet melons that were perfectly ripe. She doubted that they had food like that in Kings Landing, despite the richness of it. Highgarden was different though, nothing screamed summer like the warm sun that hit the castle walls.

The cart began to move forwards, and she looked out the window once more to see her two remaining siblings returning to the castle they called home. She leant back, hearing the sound of horse hooves pulling the cart on the Roseroad.

"Seems a bit foreign if I'm honest.. seeing you outside Highgarden walls"  Margaret snickered to herself hearing that all too familiar voice of her grandmother.

Her eyes scanning the scenery that they rode past. The Queen of Thorns was sat across from her, the elder woman brushing the knees on her dress. She spoke to her granddaughter across from her, and Margaret could agree, her being outside of the Highgarden castle walls was different to her.

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