Winter is coming

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"He's okay Hodor, just a bad dream" Ellyn reached forwards and tapped the distressed man on the knee before looking over at her cousin.

Bran was now sat up straight, panting heavily while Rickon his brother watched nervously. The two direwolves that accompanied them watched as the paralysed boy looked over at the brunette beside him.

"Hodor.." The man whispered before standing up and walking away.

Osha looked back down at the stick in her hand, continuing to sharpen it with her knife. Ellyn leaned over and offered Bran some of her own water, the boy refusing it at first before she shoved it into his hands with her eyebrows raised in a scold.

Ellyn was glad that she was able to look out for the two stark boys after their home was taken by Theon, who she thought was their family. She was family too, but she was no sister to them - they saw her as one though. The daughter of Brandon Stark who had ended up being raised by his brother, but she never called him father. She knew her father, but it was a pity she didn't know her mother. But it was Catelyn who soon became her mother, the woman was pregnant with Robb at the time. Ellyn was the eldest child of the Starks, and she swore to take care of them after Ned had lost his head all the way in Kings Landing and Robb and Catelyn went into battle together.

"Were you inside the wolf again, little lord?" Osha questioned, continuing to sharpen the stick.

The eldest Stark girl looked over at Rickon who was now wide awake and she sent over a little smile to him, to reassure him that his brother was okay.

"No, it was the three-eyed raven" Bran replied handed the water back to Ellyn "He's back. I tried to kill it, but I couldn't.. and there was this boy" What scared Ellyn the most was that Bran would have these visions from time to time, and it happened ever since his fall from the tower.

"I don't want to hear about it.." Osha suddenly said, making Ellyn look over at her "We've got plenty of worries, we don't need to pour black magic on top of them" She finished making Ellyn scoff, as they all looked over at her.

"Well then maybe next time you shouldn't ask about it if you don't want to listen" She told the wilding, making her look back down at her knife. The Stark girl then stood up, moving over to her armour before pulling it on herself "We need to move again before it gets dark"

"I didn't ask for black magic dreams" Bran replied as all eyes were now on him "And besides Ellyn, no one even knows that we're alive" Ellyn pulled on her scabbard that held her sword, her eyes rolling in the process.

"Look, you heard what Osha said, the wall is a long way from here. If we want to make it there, alive.. then we need to get moving" She said, moving to collect her things and helping Osha pack up their stuff "I'm getting you to your brother, the sooner that you're with him - the sooner you'll be safe" She said, directing it to both Bran and Rickon.

"Are we not safe with you?" Bran questioned, making her eyes meet his own. She smiled slightly, bending down in front of him and pushing a piece of hair back from his face.

"You're safe with me, yes. You know that I'd die before I let anyone harm you" Ellyn told him as Bran looked down at his lap "But you'll be safer with Jon, on the wall. He fights better than I do, plus he's not out in the open like we are right now. So come on, we best get going"

The gardens of Kings Landing were beautiful, she would admit that.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2020 ⏰

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