Trust Your Imo

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Seventeen-year-old Ziggy is a Tador cadet. Tadors, trained fighters in service to the empire or for hire to its citizens, make up one of the four rishis of Aishinda. The rishi caste system has been in practice so long there's no one left alive who remembers a time before it. 

Developed by the fourth emperor of Aishinda as punishment for the short lived, figuratively and literally, citizen rebellion of 316 A.B. The four rishis were created to categorize people into different groups based on their occupation. Every citizen of Aishinda was born into the rishi of their parents. It was possible to change your rishi, through apprenticeship, but it meant leaving your family and friends behind. 

Most people lived the lives of their grandparents and continued their same work.  They stayed in the same neighborhoods, walked the same streets, and were buried next to them when they died.  Thus, keeping the population organized and disciplined.  The other three caste groups are Olorin, Sariqa and Imaran. 

Olorins are trained artisans and scholars.  Valuing the intellectual over the physical; Olorins can come across as pretentious and snooty.  Probably because they are, but they feel as if they have license to be.  The best writers, musicians, mapmakers, and philosophers in the empire have been Olorians.  Their guild colors are white and silver, symbolizing clarity and truth.  Their mascot, the mighty elephant, is thought to be one of the most intelligent animals on the plains. 

Sariqas are merchant people, for both land and sea.  There's an old empire phrase, slicker than a Sariqa, that embodies most people's opinion of them.  Notoriously gaudy and jubilant, Sarikans are known to be the wealthiest and most unscrupulous of the four rishis.  The irony of which is not lost to anyone, including Sarikans. Their guild colors are purple and scarlet, representing wealth and grandeur.  Their mascot is the monkey.  The animal kingdoms most cunning creature.

Imarans are people of the earth.  Thought to be the most grounded and even keeled of the four rishis. Imarans are the farmers, fisherman, vintners, and horse breeders that keep the realm fed and running smoothly.  Muscular and sturdy in build, even the women, Imarans aren't the smartest or liveliest of people.  But what they lack in knowledge and flash, they make up in patience and forethought.  Their guild colors are the bright green of new leaves and the burnished orange of the setting sun.  Their mascot is an armadillo. An animal of steadfast character.

Last are the Tadors, warriors of the empire.  Tador's train for years starting from a young age and are expected to pledge their loyalty to and uphold the honor of Aishinda once they graduate.  The fiercest of all rishi, Tador's believe in honor and trust.  Keeping the realm safe is their primary objective and a Tador never runs from a fight.  Ever.  Even when retreating would be a better option.  Courage and a lack of self-preservation are valued traits amongst the Tadors.  Their guild colors are ebony and gold, signifying strength and righteousness.  Their mascot is the cheetah.  A swift and unrelenting hunter.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2019 ⏰

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