Ture Blood Quickie

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"Don't look now, but I think that guy over there is staring at you" Jessica whispered giggling, or at least tried to whisper as she pointed out a hot blond across the club. "I told you that it would be a good idea to come out tonight" pointing out a hot blond sitting across the club.

"He's not my type," I shut her down, hopefully before she can get the crazy idea of setting me up with him..

"You don't know that, you haven't even talked to him yet" she pouted, while grabbing her new drink. "Or is it because he's a vampire?"

"It's more that he's more than comfortable here, meaning that he's a partier and not my type" I pointed out, "plus, I don't want to join the harem surrounding him. I'm not a one night stand kind of woman and I don't like to share."

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