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"And here we are again, world number 2 player Eren Jäger does it again with an amazing dropshot victory! If you watch the replay you will see Eren serving for set point, his opponent obviously tired and lacking the same vigorous energy as the 28 year old German. He serves the ball, standing his ground against number 10 Reiner Braun, but is just able to get to the net quick enough to make a drop shot. What an amazing victory! And now we go over to Eren himself." The announcer announced, vigor and excitement bouncing off of every word he said. It was no mystery that Eren Jäger was a great Tennis player, and that so many people swooned over the man.

"Your 20th grandslam has just been won, and in Australia of all places. Tell me, how did you feel coming up to this tournament?" The other announcer asked, shoving the microphone in the poor man's face.

"Well I got nervous, as usual. You never know how these types of tournaments are going to play out, I mean if you saw yesterday's match then you know Levi Ackerman had to retire due to an ankle injury. And he is the number 1, so it all comes down to luck and you wanting to win to feel your best before a match." As per usual, Eren started going on a rant that was scarcely related to the question. But no one minded, especially with those bright green eyes and subtle German accent attached to the boy.

"Well you surely did your best..." And the two trailed off, talking about the questions the questioner always asked the winner of a match or tournament. Eren was still uneasy about answering so many personal questions about his matches, but that is one of the prices to pay when it comes to stardom.

Another price was having to hide any and all relationships that the public might not be too fond of.

Levi Ackerman sat in his chair, surrounded by Eren's coach and family. It was not a secret to tennis fans that himself and the bright eyes German boy were great friends- best friends even. And so with his recent injury, Levi found it good to come and support his long time friend and rival.

And so when Eren came around to the seats where his family and coach was, showing off his big trophy, he wasn't all too surprised to see Levi sitting there.

"Get more confident with your volleys, Eren." Levi spoke, sitting up more to look Eren in the eyes.

"Yeah yeah, I know. It's just a little uncomfortable and stressing to go so close to the net and feel like you are about to lose the next shot." Eren leaned up against the wall that was in-between himself and the group.

"Oh shut up Levi, the kid was doing wonderful!" Eren's long time coach and second mother-Hange- spoke up and pushed herself to be next to Eren.

"But really, get more confidence kid!" She whispered to him before pulling the German man into a tight hug.

That night, the fairly big group of people went out to eat to celebrate the elaborate victory of World Number 2 Eren Jäger.

As the night of fun and celebrations grew later, the group dispersed and went to their appropriate housing, leaving Eren and Levi to walk back to the hotel. As big name players they were allowed to stay in these really nice hotels, free of charge as per tournament.

"How's your ankle?" Eren asked, looking over and the shorter man. He had a small brace covering his ankle, nothing that would look like something to worry about.

"It's fine, just a little sore. Give me a week or so and I'll be fine." Levi replied, still trying to keep the least amount of pressure as possible on his ankle. The two walked back to their hotels, a silence enveloping the two men. They got to their hotel and went to their rooms.

"Levi..." Eren spoke, standing just before his door. He had heard Levi open the door and had to ask his question before he regretted not.

"Yes?" Levi turned around to face the tall German man.

Champions *Ereri/Riren One-Shot*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن