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jealousy and possessive irl can act like red flags to abusive relationships but not in this one!!! i don't want to put this disclaimer because i plan for you to understand that through the characterization and relationship growth but a little reassurance isn't wrong, i guess!

damien's jealousy is the normal healthy amount but is encouraged/embraced because audrey enjoys it! okay? ill be making that clear throughout the story but i just wanted to explain that tidbit! thank you!!!

chapter two is way longer than i realized! part two will be uploaded later in maybe three or less days!


The first day of junior year, the last class, art one, and a quickly growing argument was the catalyst.

Like we tended to, similar intelligence levels or something, we shared several courses. On this particular day, our schedules were much too identical, and we'd been battling it out each hour. It reached its crux in a room full of squeezable liquid. The exact topic, who knew, our arguments were trivial. Insults were hurled vehemently until words weren't enough, but the paint bottles were.

As you can predict, the room was given a new look—one I argued looked better than before. Coated in colorful splatters of acrylic, some on each other, we got into huge trouble. We had incidents previously but this was the worst of all, not just class disruption, but destruction of school property.

The principal, art teacher and our parents understandably flipped out: yelling at us for what seemed like forever, ultimately coming to a close with the punishment. Alongside suspension, we had to clean our mess, together, didn't matter how long it took, all night if need be.

One minute we were bickering, scrubbing the paint off the floor, and the next he was on the floor with me on top. On a school evening, bits of primary colors splashed on us, we tore into one another until anger dissipated and pure passion bloomed in its absence.

It turned out, Damien and I were great at being enemies, but we were even better as lovers. That, of course, didn't mean we were going to be exclusively the latter—for a number of reasons, the first being Danielle's abhorrence at her friends dealing with him in that way, and the second being Damien was still insufferable!

But, goodness, there was an addiction. Every surly remark, combative comment was like foreplay, charged with anticipation of ripping into each other later. An electrifying and illicit affair growing between us with no one none the wiser.

I loved it. It wasn't like anything experienced before (or after). It was fun, spontaneous and wild; something about him just got me off better than anyone else—the fact that he could handle me, like he wouldn't be scared off.

Or, so, I thought.    

Naively, I believed he enjoyed it as much as me. Sometimes I went over it, things he said, things he did, and every time, I was convinced he felt the same. But if that were true, then he wouldn't have left, wouldn't have just disappeared without so much as a goodbye.

One day, we were there throwing pencils at each other in science class, slipping back into the bathroom together while everyone was at lunch; the next he was gone. It wasn't until a week later that I found out, initially assuming it was his truancy-inclined ways, a nonchalant Dani mentioning he moved in with their aunt.

I understood we weren't anything, not really, we were just horny teenagers. But I deserved an explanation, at least, a goodbye—it shouldn't have ended like that, through his sister, inadvertently and unknowingly. The indecency of that asshole!

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