Chapter 1..."Y-you do what!?"

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-Deku POV-
It was just a normal day in UA......I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock, "ugh.....I...don't wanna get up..." it's not that I hated school! It's just...mornings are the worst! I reluctantly got my self out of bed.
Pulled over my Pj shirt, and put on my school shirt. I untied the sweats I was sleeping in.."man it was hot last night....!" I zipped up my pants and looked around for my bag. I saw it on the floor just sitting there "....I really have to get a new one soon..."

I headed out the door, locking my room shut. I went down the elevator, and to my surprise a lot of people where already down here..... I scanned the room...but one kid caught my attention the most....he had spiky blond hair.....and a face that speaks true hatred.....!
It was Bakugou.....he had hated me ever since I had know him....I always thought he was the coolest!....I still think he's cool! Like his quirk!..his eyes.....his messy hair-.......

*WTH am I thinking!? This is Kacchan where talking about!*
I shook my head in disbelief......was I really thinking those things....about a boy!?....and to make matters worst that boy was Kacchan!....

I just just noticed how long I was staring at him....because he was looking back at me....with a strange face...he looked confused?...
I shot my head away as fast as I could! My face turning red from the neck up!....
He walked past me....but to my surprise he did not push me....or hit me...or trip me! The list could of gone on! But all that mattered was...why did he not do all the things he normally does....

"I wonder what's wrong with him.....maybe he's sick.....or just off track...." I muttered to my self for what seemed like just a few seconds! When I looked up everyone was gone! "I guess they headed off to class..."  than it hit me....
" IM LATE TO MY CLASS!" I picked up my stuff and I was off but I did not make it far because I was caught off guard to see....Kacchan sleeping on one of the chairs.
"Wow people must really not care if anyone's late" I whispered under my breath.

He was   I stopped my self again from letting my mind wander.....but before I new it! I was walking...and
I was on the floor and my books where everywhere! But....I woke up Kacchan!......
He got out of his seat and looked down on face noticeably red!
*what am I gonna do!? He's gonna kill me!!*

-Bakugou's POV-
I was staring at....the most pale face I have ever seen....which made His blush 10x more noticeable. I can't believe I was about to do this....but....I reached my hand up to help him,
He looks as if I was ready to blow off his face if he did the wrong movements! Which I was about to if he was gonna waste my time!

damn nerd...

-Deku's POV-
I grabbed his was really soft...yet kinda sweaty...I wonder why Kacchan was sweating so much. *to be fair...I was to*
As he tugged on my arm...I slipped and spun around almost hitting my head to the floor!.....
But...something stopped me...Kacchan!?
One of his hands where around my waist, and the other barely holding on my hand....
I immediately turned bright red! I could not help it...

But something caught my eyes again....

These where the same moves that did in my dance classes....I mean, I could call it a coincidence.....but his form was do I say...perfect when he did that...
At this point I could see the red running up his neck as well.
He pulled me up and grabbed my stuff for me, he set it on the table and ran off.
His breeze was warm...I guess we where both flustered....
*CRAP! Class!*
I ran off to class, but Finally I made!....
saying over and over again how sorry I was!
Mr. Aizawa pointed me to my seat, and I quickly speed walked there.
Kacchan normally sits behind me, but he was also late...I wonder why? I mean I kinda get it....but he better not long!

-Bakugou POV-
I rushed to the bathroom with out even thinking....when I got there it was empty...
Perfect! No one to Metal in my life...for a few minutes.
I splashed my face with water, that only made it more I just decided to head to class....
~Once he got to class~
I ran in with my shirt a little wet from the water earlier,.....what if that little shit finds out I do everyone would make my life hell!
I sat in my seat glancing at the nerd....his face was focused on his feet...but I could see his face was still a little red...
I chuckled under my breath...."cute....."
*WTF Bakugou! Did u just say that!? And right near him to!?"

892 words

(Thanks so much reading! Hopefully y'all liked it! Working on 2nd part now!) :p

Stuck Close with you...(Bakugou x Deku) (UA dance story) #BNHAWhere stories live. Discover now